Teddy Bear

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  Days passed, and Atsushi's odd behavior continued. It was as if he was having mood swings, ranging from his normal lazy self to whining like a child and hanging on me like a toddler to his mother's leg. Except this toddler was humongous and could make even me look short.

  Digging through my locker, I drowned out the noise around me in the hallway while gathering my stuff. I was lost in thought while trying to figure out a new tactic to get Atsushi to attend practice and stop skipping just for snacks.

  Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I closed my locker before jolting when I turned and came face-to-face....well, face-to-chest, with someone.

  "Kabe?! What Hell are you doing here?" I hissed and noticed the people in the hallway staring at the basketball player with wide eyes. I was beginning to think Atsushi liked causing a scene.

  "I....needed a teddy bear."

  "Don't you dare-" He was already picking me up. "I swear." He ignored my growl while carrying me away from the lockers as he acted oblivious to the onlookers. "How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not a fucking teddy bear?"

  "I can take you to practice today, though. Murochin also said he'd bring snacks this time." Atsushi adjusted his hold on me when we got outside to carry me bridal style as I crossed my arms and maintained a pissed-off expression.

  The walk to Yosen felt like an eternity between the silence and the stares that had my ears burning. Reaching the gym, the giant strolled past the propped open door and the sound of dribbling filled my ears.

  "Ah! Murasaki- ....Uh....person." A boy in a t-shirt and shorts paused while pointing at me. "Why are you....carrying....uh...." He seemed unsure of how to go about the situation, and Atsushi apparently got bored since he walked away.

  He leaned against a wall and slid down it before placing me in his lap while picking up a shopping bag that had been on the floor. Atsushi dug out a bag of chips and held it out to me. I just glared at him with my arms still crossed.

  "Come on, Candychin. It's your favorite flavor." He shook the bag at me and, damn it, he was right. Snatching the bag, I didn't say anything. Atsushi's expression softened, but I was actually tempted to punch him for manhandling me.

  "Shouldn't you be practicing?"


  "Your coach is gonna get pissed." I shot him a look before popping a chip into my mouth. Speak of the devil, the well-dressed woman walked over with a kendo sword and smacked Atsushi with it.

  "Get off your lazy butt and practice!" She shouted at him, and he rubbed his head while pouting.

  "But I don't wanna leave Candychin alone."

  "Be glad I even allowed her to come!"

  "Them." Atsushi corrected. "Candychin uses 'them'." It seemed to take a few seconds for the gears in the woman's head to click into the right place.

  "Apologies. Just get to practicing." She shot one last glare at Atsushi.

  "Candy? What are you doing here?" I looked up to see the dark-haired boy with half his face covered.

  "Got carried against my will."

  "So you convinced the coach to let Candy come?"

  "Mm." Atsushi hummed in response while nodding.

  "Is it....normal for the coach to...." I trailed off while gesturing getting bonked on the head.

  "Sometimes." He chuckled before waving to Atsushi. "Come on, you can hang out with Candy during breaks." He gained a reassuring smile, and the giant actually complied by setting me down on the floor to jog out onto the court.

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