Kabe has Skill

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  "Suki.... I need your help." I spoke into the phone while holed up in my closet.

  "Why? What happened?" Her voice was serious since mine had been, too.

  "I think.... I think I like someone." I mumbled as my free hand fiddled with the blanket wrapped around me. My dreams lately had been plagued by....a certain someone, and it was making quite a few things awkward.

  "What?" Suki laughed.

  "I think I like someone."

  "Are you serious? And not a gingerbread man?"

  "I'm serious, and it's not a gingerbread man!" I hissed.

  "Holy shit! Who?!" Suki's voice pitched with curiosity and excitement. Biting my bottom lip, I rubbed the blanket between my fingers while unsure whether I should answer or not. "Candy?"


  "Who is it?"

  "....Atsushi...." My voice was so quiet that I wasn't sure she heard me.


  "....Atsushi. Kabe."

  "Oh, shit!" Suki's voice got louder. "I mean, it makes sense, but damn, Candy. Took you this long?"

  "What's that supposed to mean?"

  "Come on, I've seen him carrying you like a bag of potatoes and not get his ass kicked. There's also the fact that you share snacks with him. Don't think I forgot about the cake incident. There was also that time-"

  "Okay! I get it, damn!"

  "I'm just saying, I'm not surprised it was him. You guys get along really well." Suki stated, and I could hear a whisk hitting a metal bowl in the background of the call. "You're both also really scary, so that fits."


  "Look me in the eye and tell me you're not intimidating." I simply stared at the wall in front of me. "That's what I thought. So, you gonna tell him?" My face flushed just at the thought of doing that. "Hello?"

  "I don't know."

  "Well, you might want to figure it out. Summer's around the corner." I heard what sounded like pans hitting against each other. "There's no telling what might happen then, you know?"


  "I mean, just because he's single now doesn't mean he will be when you get back from vacation. I can help you if you want. You know, like teach you how to make cute chocolates, or-"

  "I'm good." I quickly said. "I just....I think I need to sort it all out."

  "Well, let me know what you decide. I wanna watch cupid shoot your ass." Suki laughed.


  "Suki, what is this?" I rose a brow at the envelopes scattered in front of me on my floor.


  "I can see that, but why is it....scented?" I rose a brow as I could smell the different perfumes on the envelopes. "And why is my name on them?"

  "They're to help."


  "Confessing. Duh." She sat down in front of me while pointing at the envelopes.

  "But I still haven't-"

  "But if you do, don't you want to be prepared?" Suki rose her eyebrows while wiggling her fingers at the envelopes.

  "You're insufferable."

  "Oh, wow! Pulling out the big words, huh?" I grabbed a pillow off the edge of my bed and threw it at her. She was giggling and clearly amused.

  "I have to figure out a way to tell him I'm leaving for the summer first."

  "What? You haven't told him yet?" Suki's eyes went wide. "Candy, come on!"

  "What? Any time I try, I just end up changing the subject. The dude already clings to me trying to go home after practice, what do you think he'll do when he hears I'm gonna be gone more than a month?"

  "Point taken. But you can't just leave and tell him nothing, Dai." Suki's tone was serious, and the fact that she used my real name backed just how serious she was being. "You don't have to confess. However, you should at least tell him you won't be here for summer break."

  "....I know." I sighed.

  "Good. Now, confession letters!" She grinned like an idiot while waving to the envelopes. "This one's short and simple, this one's really sappy, and that one is-"

  "Okay, okay! Slow down!"


  "Hey, you still up?"

  "Yeah. Why?"

  "I have a confession to make."

  "What? Are you okay?"

  "Physically, yes. Quite healthy, actually-"

  "Candy, I swear."

  "I never looked up what the Generation of Miracles was. Now I'm curious-" A pillow smacked against my face.

  "All this time?! How are you like this." Suki heavily sighed, and a light lit up the dark room. She was sitting up now with her tablet in her hands as she tapped on the YouTube app. "Get over here and watch this."

  "Wait, you're not gonna tell me what it is?"

  "It's a team from middle school." Suki explained as I crawled up next to her. "Basically all of them were prodigies in one way or another."

  "Even Kabe?" My brows furrowed. I didn't doubt his skill, but the guy had such a lazy demeanor most of the time and a childish one at other times.

  "Especially him."


  "Yes, seriously. Watch this." And the video began to play while showing a basketball court and bleachers packed with people.

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