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          (n.) The fear of being in love

-Everyone meets their soulmate sometime in their life, I happened to meet mine at birth.  A group of 5 was forced and made into an inseparable quintet. A lot of memories him and I made together happened under a lemon tree.-

Chapter 1:
Harley's pov:

                   "Floor it Michael!!" Luke yells sitting beside me in the back, the golf cart reaches max speed as were racing through the mud. This is where we went wrong. He hits a hole and I go flying to the front of the golf cart laying on top of Calum. That shit hurt but it was also funny. "Fuck" I said slowly rising off Calum, "You ok, sorry about that" Michael laughs. I instantly respond with a smack to his head. A loud clap of thunder startled me as we ride our way back to the house. We all live right beside each other its quite amazing to be honest, the only thing is my parents died in a car crash when I was 7, I've been living with my aunt and uncle ever since- that's why me and Mikey are as close as siblings. The group of us stay the night at each others almost every night and barely go home which is every kids dream right?

            We stand upon the balcony as it rains listening to Luke play Calum's ukulele. I'm not sure what came over Ash, but the eye contact we made was like a shock of electricity- the next thing I know he walks towards me- grabs my face, and just kisses me right on the lips. I was in shock so was the rest of the boys. Michael on the other hand walks in right in that moment and being the protective cousin he is grabs Ashton and punches him right across the face. It was all a blur to me because I couldn't speak out of 'what the hell just happened'.

Ashtons pov:
           I've always had a thing for Harley since middle school and I felt like it was now or never, the sexual tension between us was big, my intuition was telling me to kiss her. So I did. Dumb move because Michael saw and he wasn't pleased to say the least. "What the hell Ash?!" He yells. "Dude what the fuck?! I wasn't doing anything wrong??" I explained, getting up steadily. "Ashton, you were eating my sis- cousins face!!" eating her face? Is he ok? "Michael I promise we weren't making out, I just gave her a peck that's it" I can tell he was pissed which is honestly on me, I should've asked him if it was ok to like her, I don't blame him for being pissed over 'bro code' in a way. "Mikey it wasn't what it looked like" Harley says. Calum and Luke are just in utter silence- probably out of fear of being Michael pissed punched. "I'm sorry for punching you, but what the hell Ash? What happened to "bro code"? " I guess my record when it comes to females isn't that good and he just wants to protect her.. which is understandable.

          I have the rest of summer to prove to Michael and Harley that I have changed I'm not the same o'l player as I was last year. Its about to be Senior year I need to grow up and settle down.

Author's note//
This is a short first chapter its basically a start off to the this story.
I was inspired to write this by my 5sos dream i recently had and i wanted to remember it by writing into a story- which i am.. there will be smut in this story dw
Harley is supposed to be me i just changed the name so if/when i write smut ill feel less weird. ALSO this isnt me making any of the boys out to be a bad person or trying to sexualize them i swear its just a story
Let me introduce myself so we can all be besties asf:
-my name is Sid
-im from USA
Twitter: fcknashtcn
Chapter written: 03/30/2021
Chapter re-written: 05/11/2021

Under the Lemon Tree// ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now