Labyrinth (TW)

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His eyes peered open, everything was unfocused, but he could tell that he wasn't at home. He blinked a few times, trying to focus on where he was. He tried to stand up but just couldn't.

Dakota's mind felt foggy, Not being able to remember much. He felt softness on the floor where he was sitting against a soft corner. He tried to get up once more, but his arms were restrained by something. He opened his mouth, well, tried to for some fresh air, but he couldn't open his jaw.

Once his vision focused, he realized that he was trapped, trapped in a straitjacket and padded cell, muzzle around his jaw.

He began twisting his body, painfully trying to get out of the straitjacket.

Where was Evelyn? What happened? Why was he here? The thoughts bounced around his head like a ball on concrete.

Tears welled down his freckled face as he struggled, There weren't windows in the room and he'd been blacked out for too long for him to know, It could've been the middle of the night or middle of the evening. Each and every one of his thoughts overlapped.

Come on, wake up, this is a nightmare, it has to be a nightmare, I didn't do anything wrong Was the one thought he could make sense of.

Evelyn, help, please help, anyone, please, help me,

The creaky door of the room opened up and a man walked in with a tray of utterly disgusting food. The man then placed the food on the floor and took off the muzzle that silenced him, ordering him to eat without his hands like a dog.

He slowly bent his waist down as the man left, looking at the nasty tray, almost looking inedible. He sniffed the food, smelling rotten although it was fresh. He took a bite and almost threw up, he's been starving and this was the only thing to eat.

He choked down the food and tried to get a fresh breath of air, trying to get the taste out of his mouth. The man soon came back into the room to collect the tray of 'food', forgetting to put the muzzle back onto him.

The door locked from the outside, leaving Dakota and his thoughts alone in the brightly lit padded cell.

He tried to think positively, but each second he was on the verge of tears, so he tried to remember back to a simpler time when things were okay.

"Fate decides... how these columns align... birth by chess or benign Every... Moment" He sang with a shaky breath.

He took a breath in, more tears shedding from his eyes, making his voice higher to sound more like Evelyn. "Marble gods... Tango circles in space round by..." He sniffed, just wanting everything to stop, "already dead hung by staircase... up" He sat there, trying to stop sobbing, but he just couldn't. He opened his mouth, trying to sing the next verse, but only saliva and sobs came out.

He couldn't stop, curled up on the floor, shaking and sobbing, wanting the sweet release of death, waiting for somebody anybody to put him out of his misery.

He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, only to have a nightmare, running in a labyrinth from a minotaur. Trying to get out, Trapped in his own mind.

.Evelyn save me

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