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Justin pov

"Justin c'mon you have to learn piano!" Dad said as he picked me up "I don't wanna!!" I said as I tried to get out of his arms "it's for your mom Justin" dad said as he dropped me off on the seat next to the piano. "Honey! Justin came to learn!" Dad called out for mom..

My mom is a very good pianist..

"Yay! Justin finally came! Let's learn!" Mom said as she picked me up and made me sit on her "let's start with this!" She said as she started to teach me the basics..

You are my sunflower boy
You make my day filled with joy
I'm really glad to have you by my side...
They way you make me smile
You make everything look more alive
You are my sunflower boy!

"Let me guess you wrote that when you were super young" dad said and mom hit dad "c'mon!! It's still a good song!!" She said as she laughed "I wrote it when I was 7 years old haha" she said as she looked at me "I wonder.. will Justin write many songs like this?" She asked as she picked me up "no I can't sing!!" I said "you should atleast try my boy" dad said "well if you don't try then you might end up sounding like your dad" mom said as she laughed "hey my voice is good alright!" Dad said as he laughed and mom and I joined along..

"Justin..." Grandpa called
"Yes grandpa?" I asked as I stopped playing piano
"Your.. mom and dad.." grandpa said as he started crying
"What about them?" I asked as I went to grandpa and tried to calm him down
"They got into an accident.." he said..

"Where is mom and dad!?" I asked everyone around the crowd and pushed them aside "young man please calm down" a police officer asked as he grabbed me "where are my parents!?" I yelled "I'm sorry young man.. they are gone" the police man said as he pointed to the ground down the hill...

A car accident..

Mom and dad...


That was all I saw..

*Beep beep*

Ugh... Not again... This is the eighth time in a row..
I got up for my bed and made my way to the shower and after that I went downstairs for my breakfast..

"Nightmare again?" Adam asked as he looked at me
"Well.. you know me too well" I said as I sat down
"Chill.. it'll be fine soon.." Adam said as he went somewhere

"I wonder.. will Justin write many songs like this?"

I do mom.. I do..

All of my thoughts.. and my feelings..
All in a song..

*Kazoo noises*
"Oh my god... Not this again" I said as I heard Adam walk in while playing his electric kazoo "hell yeah!! This is amazing!!!" He said as he started to play something I recognised..

"You know the sunflower song?" I asked "yep I do! You sing that all the time" he said as he continued to play and I listened..
"Amazing... But not the kazoo" I said "oh cmonn! The kazoo is cool!" He said as he laughed "whatever you say Adam" I said as I laughed along

"But ya know.. this song is kinda about you" Adam said
"Huh?" I asked
"Because you are a sunflower boy!" He said as he laughed and I immediately blushed at what he said..

Sometimes he just never knows what he is talking about..

"Okay!! Let's go make our video!!" Adam said with a smile and left to the filming room

A sunflower huh?..

"Hey wait for me!!" I said as I caught up to Adam and started to set up the cameras..

(Not my best lol😂😂😂 but anywayss hope you enjoyed!!😆)

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