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The moment we started walking my hands itched to go near her but I knew that I had to pull an itch guard on my hands (no pun intended)  cause one day they'll surely put me in trouble..

On second thoughts, bloody hell with the problems as if they won't follow me if I don't catch her hand.

My hands took my words so seriously that they automatically went and caught her hands and to add petrol over my burning fire, she allowed me to hold her hand.

Which immediately made me whip my head to the side expecting a glare from her but my expectations were shattered to dreams seeing a soft smile lingering on her lips as we walked.

Hand in hand, step by step we walked on the concreted road of the market. The gust of wind was too powerful preparing for the sudden upcoming storm that was on its way.

It didn't feel right but it was meant to happen and no one could control it.

The small saplings were being uprooted due to the strong winds as their weak stems didn't go deep into their soil which indirectly lead to their death.

Ignoring the weather which was slightly disturbing I turned my attention towards melon who was looking here and there frantically.

I slightly narrowed my eyes and turned my attention towards the direction where she was staring but I found no one there.

"Melon? Is something bothering you?"

I guess she was lost in her thoughts because she was startled with my sudden interference.

"N.. Nothing, let's go." With a last look at the so called obscure person we resumed walking.

"The weather is kind of furious today isn't it?" Melon rubbed her arms trying her best to keep her warm but the weather wasn't helping either but instead it was worsening by every second.

"Hmm right, looks like some thing is going to happen." Looking around to find a particular crockery shop I softly nudged her in the ribs, "See there's a nice crockery shop over there let's buy you cup from there. You know I've heard a lot about that shop and their good quality crockery."

"Wait. Does that mean that I'll make your pockets hurt?"

"Don't you sound like you already haven't done that?" Cocking my head towards her I narrowed my eyes to which she replied by grinning victoriously.

Ya right, how can I forget that this was like an achievement for her? I try to forget but my debit card doesn't let me forget it.

I swear if someday you find me on the streets then it'll be because of her.

Hmm, hmm someday, one day, sometimes and all hmm?

Yaa so like always let's just ignore my conscience. That poor thing has completely given up on itself you know.

Yaa you know.

Dragging melon along with me, we entered the crockery shop which was extremely empty.

Without even one customer there or wait leave that, there wasn't even anyone assisting the shop.

Strange. Isn't it?

I walked around inspecting the shop  to find someone who could assist us but came back finding none.

None means completely none, even melon was missing now.

Shit!! How could I leave her alone. Shit Rakshit!

Panic started rising in me now as I frantically screamed for her, the breeze was howling strange whispers while the surrounding was turning into a scenario right from horrors movies. The intoxicating despondent black clouds flew over naturally like a silence right before a dangerously powerful storm moving on the tracks of destruction.

"Melon! Where are you.. Answer me dammit!"  Yelling from one place to another in the hope of finding her I went right back into the same shop where we were before.

"Melon where are you!? Please reply back melon this isn't a time to play pranks." The moment I opened the door a heavy structure collided with my head making my vision blurry.

And before I knew anything I fell on the floor holding my head in my hands trying my best to see past my burry spinning vision.

I blinked my eyes continuously trying to at least figure out the partial vision I could see.

There was a figure standing over me which looked more like a human, man.. No it was a woman an oddly familiar woman. Blinking my eyes for the last time before they would close, I saw the face of the woman... She was smirking...

And she wasn't a stranger...

She was, wait-


And that was the last thing I saw before darkness over took me.


Aha, didn't see that coming, did y'all?

I know I'm evil *laughing evilly*

I'll give y'all time to sit and cry.

Till then love me some red velvet and chocolates.

*laughing again* I ain't a sadist but this is *chef's kiss*

Signing off

Signing off~V

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