Chapter 4 - Safety

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Vader moves far faster than Luke had thought him capable, especially with a life-support suit weighing him down. There's no way it isn't ridiculously heavy, but not only does his father keep up with Luke's brisk pace, he's actually moving faster than him. He's totally using the Force, something which Luke would find intriguing sometime when they're not about to be blown up.

Luke spies a shuttle in the hanger ahead of them, and Vader strides up the ramp, sliding into the pilot's seat before Luke even has a chance to close the ramp. All around them, the Force is humming with tension, silently screaming at them to hurry, or it'll be too late.

The engines respond to Vader's command far more acutely than they ever have to Luke, and all he can do is watch with no small amount of awe as the shuttle flies away from the Death Star so fast that Luke can't even keep track of their surroundings. He feels the massive explosion behind them, the shockwave hurling the shuttle even further away, though it doesn't go off course because of Vader's steadying hand. In this, at least, Ben was right. Anakin Skywalker was an excellent pilot, and Luke doesn't think he could ever compete with him.

Neither of them speak as Vader guides the shuttle down to the moon where the rest of the Rebels are waiting, landing in a small clearing. Luke exhales slowly, exhaustion creeping up on him. The battle against Sidious was strenuous to say the least, and all he wants to do now is rest. He doesn't want to leave his father, but he knows that it's inevitable. The longer he takes to rejoin the others, the more likely it will be that they'll come looking for him.

"I cannot join your friends, my son," Vader speaks finally, helmet turning to regard Luke with something akin to regret. "You know they will seek vengeance over anything else. They will not care that I helped you."

He wants to protest the words so badly, but he knows that they're true. "I know," Luke mumbles glumly, rising from his seat. "I'll have to assure them that I'm safe... but, what will we do now?"

The respirator cycles in the ensuing silence, before Vader slowly stands, guiding Luke towards the main hold of the shuttle. "That is something we shall have to discuss," the Sith – former Sith? – concedes as the ramp lowers.

Luke inhales the fresh air eagerly, feeling a pang of wistfulness at the realization that his father cannot breathe on his own. Maybe that's something which can be fixed. Granted, Luke doesn't know much about organ replacements, but at least they can look into it. He'll mention it later, once they finish their discussion about the future. He'd been so focused on saving his father that he hadn't even considered what would happen next.

Of course, Vader can't stay with the Rebels. They'd probably kill him, never willing to acknowledge the risks he took to protect Luke. They probably wouldn't even care. For all Luke knows, his friends – except Han and Chewie – might shun him when they learn the truth of his parentage.

"I should return to Coruscant," Vader continues finally, watching as Luke sits down on the bottom of the ramp and stares into the darkness of the forest beyond. "The Emperor's death will create a power vacuum, which I can fill. No one will question my authority, and it will be easy for me to bring an end to the conflict which has consumed the galaxy since long before your birth."

It's the first time Vader has referenced the Clone Wars, and Luke perks up with interest before the words sink in. Leaving. His father will be leaving. Obviously. He should have realized it before. "I don't want you to go," he replies, the words sounding too much like a whine for his liking.

"Then you can come with me," his father answers, lowering himself next to Luke.

"And end the Empire?" Luke prompts. "Restore democracy?"

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