Chapter 6 - Empire

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Luke is still standing there, long after Leia walks off, probably to tell Han about the change in plans, when he hears someone clearing their throat behind him. He turns, confused to see an elderly man standing there. He vaguely recognizes him from the mission to Endor, but he doesn't actually know who he is.

"Do I know you?" Luke queries politely, unable to formulate anything else to break the moment of awkward silence.

"I don't believe we've actually been introduced," the man answers, a faint smile playing on his face, and Luke takes a moment to study him. He's old; his hair and beard are white, but he carries himself with the manner of a soldier. "I'm Rex."

"Luke Skywalker," he replies automatically.

Rex chuckles. "Yes, I know about you. I've been watching you," he admits. "I – I fought with your father during the Clone Wars."

Luke gapes at him. "You're a clone?" He nearly winces at the tactlessness of the question. Hopefully, it wasn't too offensive.

Rex nods. "I've heard rumors..." His voice trails off, and he sighs. "I know who your father is. I've known it for a while. I just thought you should know."

For several seconds, Luke can't speak. Rex knows that his father is Vader? And he never told anyone? He doesn't know how he feels about that, but he's more than a little elated that there's someone else – other than Vader – who can share adventures during the Clone Wars. "Can you tell me about him?" Luke queries curiously. "What did he used to be like?"

The look on Rex's face can only be described as wistful. "He was brave, loyal, caring, the best Jedi I never knew," the Clone Wars veteran relates slowly. "He never considered my brothers or I inferior to him, and he always led us into battle. His piloting skills were something we marveled over; he could crash but emerge almost entire unharmed even if the ship was wrecked."

Luke is about to ask something else when he hears the sound of an approaching shuttle, accompanied by his father's dark presence. "He's coming now," Luke informs Rex. "I need to go. We'll be going to Coruscant together, did you hear?"

"Rumors," the older man answers cryptically, the hint of a smile on his face.

"Would you like to meet my father when he arrives?" Luke asks, somewhat hopefully. He doesn't know exactly how Vader would react, but he doubts it would be too negatively.

Rex shakes his head. "I will, but not right now. The last time we had an extensive interaction was when he sent me on a mission with his former Jedi apprentice." He pauses for a moment, seeming thoughtful. "I would like to find her again first." Before Luke can say anything, an Imperial shuttle flies low overhead and begins to land in the clearing. Nodding to Luke, Rex turns and walks away.

Luke stands there, watching as the ramp lowers and his father strides down, right into the midst of the Rebel forces. The whispers begin all around them, and Luke can sense the rising tension, so he motions to the others to put down their weapons, before moving to greet Vader.

"Father," he says quietly. "The Rebel Council has agreed to form a tentative alliance with you, but Leia insists on coming with us."

"I had expected as much," Vader answers after a pause. "I came to retrieve you and pick up the captured stormtroopers. Then, we can depart. The Executor is waiting for us above the planet."

* * *

Somehow, Luke had expected that the Imperial Palace would be different, but he's not really sure in what way. While he knew that it used to be the Jedi Temple, all hints of light and goodness have long since been eradicated and replaced with almost tangible anger and hatred. "This place is creepy," he mumbles to Vader as they walk through the halls. They'd only arrived a few hours ago, but Vader was insistent that he give the speech to the galaxy before more chaos could occur.

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