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Fourteen months later

Over one year and many tears later, the galaxy has finally found the peace that Vader promised. Having transitioned into a democracy only three months ago, the New Republic is struggling to get on its feet and institute measures to prevent any future, power-hungry politicians – or Sith Lords – from seizing complete control. Mon Mothma is the new Chancellor, or will be once everything is finalized.

Despite Luke's protests, Leia had insisted on being Mothma's assistant, even though she just gave birth to her son a month ago. Vader – Anakin had only shaken his head and muttered something about workaholic tendencies being inherited. Overall, Luke is perfectly happy with his life, especially since his father is always there with him. He thought he was a Jedi Knight before, but as Anakin quickly demonstrated, Luke's grasp of lightsaber forms was practically nonexistent.

So, he learned. And learned some more. And finally, one day, Leia had almost literally dragged them both out of the training room by their ears because they "didn't know how to take care of themselves like normal human beings, so someone has to do it."

Maybe most importantly, their father had the restorative surgery, which has not only changed his appearance, but it also seems to have had a major impact on his overall mental and emotional status. Which is good, because his control over himself has improved dramatically, though that's likely due in no small part to Obi-Wan's help, not that Anakin would ever openly admit as much.

The living room in the Skywalker house is relatively quiet. Leia is at a Senate meeting, and Han is busy elsewhere with Chewie leaving Luke home with his father and three-month-old nephew, Ben. Anakin is cradling Ben in his arms as the baby sleeps. Though Luke knows he'll probably never admit it, he totally adores his grandson, and if he could, he would probably never leave his side.

Luke looks up when he hears the front door open. He can faintly hear Threepio's voice, and he reaches out with the Force to ascertain the identity of their unexpected guests. He recognizes one of them, Rex, but he doesn't know who the other is.

His father jerks as if startled before wordlessly passing Ben to Luke and standing up. He's walked only one step before the door flies open and an adult Togruta is launching herself at him. Luke blinks, startled, as they embrace one another tightly.

"Anakin, it's good to see you again," she finally murmurs, stepping back, tears glistening in her blue eyes. "I never thought we'd meet again in this world."

"It's good to see you too, Snips," Anakin whispers hoarsely, and Luke could swear that his father is on the verge of breaking down.

The Togruta smiles softly. "It's been a long time since you called me that, Skyguy."

Anakin grins, turning to a confused Luke. "This is my former Padawan, Ahsoka Tano," he introduces. "Ahsoka, this is my son, Luke."

"Nice to meet you," Luke tells her. At that moment, Rex enters the room. Luke suspects he was waylaid by Threepio on the way, or maybe he just wanted to give Ahsoka and Anakin a moment to reunite before he made his appearance.

"Hello, General," he says, lips quirking into a smile.

"Rex," Anakin returns warmly, "I'm glad to see you're still alive."

"You too," Rex responds.

"Hey, Ahsoka," Luke calls, drawing her attention away from Rex and Anakin. He knows his father will need to talk to his old companions, but right now, he's curious. "Are you planning to join the new Order?"

Anakin and Luke have spoken numerous times about reforming the Jedi Order and changing its core, but they haven't actually taken any actions to make that a reality. Obi-Wan and Yoda have given their input and guidance, but Luke knows that the thought is somewhat daunting to his father, especially being as he's the one who wiped it out in the first place.

Ahsoka sighs, looking between Luke and Anakin before shrugging. "I don't know," she admits. "Possibly. It's not something I've really given much thought to." Her eyes flick to the windows as she keeps speaking. "Before – before the Jedi were destroyed, I was on the way back to Coruscant with the Sith I had captured on Mandalore. It was my intention at that time to rejoin the Order and complete my training. That never happened, and eventually, I accepted that I would never be an official Jedi."

Anakin's face is pale when he looks at her. "I didn't – I didn't know that," he breathes. "I – I thought you would never return." He sinks down onto the couch next to Luke, seeming unable to stand any longer. Luke can't even begin to imagine what his father is thinking and feeling; far too many emotions are radiating into the Force around him for Luke to keep track.

Ahsoka looks at Anakin for a long moment before sitting down next to him. "The past is in the past," she states firmly. "Don't dwell on it anymore."

"It's not that easy," Anakin replies with a bitter laugh.

"I know, but you're not alone. You have Luke and me and Rex," Ahsoka reminds him gently.

"And Leia, my twin," Luke adds, "And Obi-Wan and Yoda, even if they are only Force ghosts now."

"And Artoo," Anakin points out, smirking.

Luke laughs and hands Ben back to his father. "Yes," he agrees, "And Artoo. And Ben." He points to the baby, who is now blinking sleepily up at his grandfather, totally oblivious to the conversation taking place around him. He coos, waving a hand in the air and catching Anakin's finger in his tiny fist.

"What you – we – have is a large, rather dysfunctional family," Ahsoka decides, not even bothering to conceal her grin as she watches Anakin interact with Ben.

"Family," Luke agrees as he hears the front door opening, "And now Leia's home too. Come on. Let's go say hello."

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