chapter twenty-seven

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chapter twenty-seven | the big decision

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chapter twenty-seven | the big decision

ETHAN WATCHED CLOSELY as Dale and Shane talked in a short distance from the RV where he sat on top of. Dale asked him to keep watch while he talked to every member of the group, trying to sway the vote before the execution on Randall. The teen was indifferent, he knew even if was able to sit in on the meetings, he would just say I don't care, or even, tell Rick to kill the dude already so they could move on to bigger problems.

He still hasn't had a discussion with Laurel about what he talked about with Dale last time they were on the RV together. The feelings, or rather, the lack of feelings he has. He didn't know how to approach the conversation. He understood Dale was right, his sisters would support him and try to help him but he didn't want to compromise anything.

After another hour of keeping watch, his little sister joined, informing him the meeting was happening now and Rick suggested they keep an eye out while they discussed what to do about Randall. Cassie sat next to him on the roof while he sat in the beach chair, both shivering from the wind picking up and snuggled into their thin jackets even though it blocked the wind, the thin fabric didn't stop the brisk air. They sat in silence as both of their minds raced.

Laurel walked in with T-Dog, the Grimes family right behind her. When she walked in, the body language of the group told her everything. They were relaxed in their seats but leaned forward because of the tension. They wanted to get rid of Randall as well. The only one that showed otherwise was Dale, of course.

Laurel stood next to T-Dog at the fireplace with Shane and Andrea on the other side of him and Patrica sitting down next to her. She looked across at Daryl, who was behind Rick, leaning against a table with a hand on his hip. Laurel adverted her eyes from her as Carl was trying to hide behind the redneck but his dad caught him in the corner of his eye and the boy's parents gave him the 'look' and he finally got the hint and went upstairs after Jimmy with no further argument.

Everyone glanced at each other in silence before Glenn spoke up at the piano, "so how do we do this? Just take a vote?"

That's when it started, everyone asking how they should do this, causing Rick to come forward as a leader and steer the group in the right direction to have a productive discussion. He asked what they thought of this situation before they figure out how to vote.

Laurel had her mind up about the situation the moment they found Randall with the fence through his calf. He's a bad guy who was running with an even worse group who were shooting at them.

Laurel started to get a sick feeling in her stomach as flashes of what happened that night made her forget where she was. Laurel ran a hand through her hair, bringing herself to listen to the voices that were real and not in her head.

She shifted her weight between her feet, trying to keep herself steady as Glenn began to talk to Dale, him turning it into it more of an argument than a discussion.

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