Author's Note

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Author’s Note:


Hey guys! :) First off, I want to thank you for joining me in this journey with Asmodeus and Devany. I didn’t really mean for them to work out this way. But, it just seemed more human, more natural and a lot better than ending this story with them on that dining table in hell, humping each other’s brains out.

I wanted my characters to fall in love with each other over time. Even though Asmodeus thought he was incapable of such an emotion because he was the devil of lust, Devany changed him. And because Devany, being angel blooded with all emotions and the body of a human, had fallen in love with him she didn’t want him away from her.

While I was writing this story, it was supposed to be only about sex. But my character’s picked up the pen and wrote their love story. While they did, I realized they were pretty good. :) Better than me.

They taught me lessons towards the ending of the book. Here are a few lines from the previous chapters and what lessons my characters intended to give to you:

I felt something for Asmodeus. Maybe I had always felt it but just failed to acknowledge it. Should I tell him now? No. He feels nothing for you, you idiot. He got what he wanted and now you’re getting what you want.


That was from Chapter Ten Part Two. I call the paragraph “A missed chance”. Why? Because she had felt something for him before and at that moment, but she didn’t tell him. If she did, wouldn’t that have saved them all the hassle of going back to earth, facing Angelo and then going back to hell all over again? The lesson here is, do not be afraid to say what you feel. Because in the future, you will wonder often “I wonder what would have happened if I had told him/her what I really felt”. For me, if I told the person what I felt, it would make it easier for me to sleep at night, even if he said hurtful things in response from “I don’t feel that way for you” to “Eww, get away from me” (lol), at least he knows already. How he’ll respond, react or think is no longer my problem.

You’ll be back where you belong, Devany. Back with us. And you’ll be with me.


That was in Angelo’s POV, Chapter Eleven. Throughout Rainbow Eyes, Angelo is a very important, main character, even if he wasn’t mentioned very often and at first, why? Because he was the reason why things happened the way they did with Asmodeus and Devany.

I stood there, watching as who was supposed to be mine from the start, be taken and claimed away from me once again. He held her close to him, afraid to let her go. Her light blue, round-necked dress fluttered as she walked further and further away from me.  Devany, if only I had taken much better care of you from the beginning. You would be in my arms right now.

There you guys have it. Angelo’s regret. Chapter Thirteen Part Two. The lesson here is don’t be afraid to hold on tight, protect and love. But, if he had kept an eye on Devany, though, there wouldn’t be a story :)

The reason why I wrote this entire book is because the thought of one thing so dark and evil mixed with the other thing so pure and full of light (supposed to be their kid, but I decided it should just be them) intrigued me to no end. I loved the thoughts of what they did. I love the princesses of hell, and I made them with their unique abilities for Hell’s Princes to claim. I love how the girls instantly bonded with Devany and opened up to her even though they all had been through quite a bit.

Our world (human world, duh :P) isn’t always fair, but just remember someone somewhere is writing the story of your life. You could be like my characters and take the pen or you could sit back and enjoy the ride. Up to you, just be sure to think things through :)

I am Violet Castle (not my real name), the author of Rainbow Eyes; my very first erotica. A story that I hope you all enjoyed and learned even just a little bit from. Other people say I am too young to be writing stories like these, and I completely agree with them. But hey, at least I tried ;)

Thank you guys for reading. Comment below and tell me what you thought of the entire book. There won’t be an epilogue, so comment! :)

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