Chapter 5 - Selection Day - Part 2

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"A faithful friend is medicine in life." – Ecclesiasticus

Out in the fields


           As I entered the fields, I called out their names.

"Thunder, Hunter, Bourbon!!!"

           Thunder, father's horse was the first to appear. He is a monstrously big red dun-coloured stallion. The earth is shaking under my feet as his galloping at full speed at my direction. Then Hunter and Bourbon also appeared not far behind Thunder. Hunter and Bourbon are twins, but you would never tell because they are so different physically and personally, just as my brothers. Hunter is slightly smaller than Thunder, he is a leopard coated white horse with a variation of brown leopard dots. He is the definition of a wall with a strength that could pull away castles. Bourbon his twin is a mare, she is smaller and way thinner than her twin. She is the definition of beauty with strength. She is the fastest horse in the Four Kingdoms of the Four Seasons. These three are the literary definition of Fae horses, beautiful, strong-minded immortal beings.

            "Hello girl! How are you?" — Bourbon was the first as to be accepted to arrive in front of me. I get a gentle push with her muzzle and a welcome snort. She bent down her neck and I put my forehead on hers. The boys finally arrived. Hunter snapped at Bourbon and bite her warningly on her neck. Bourbon raised her head and was ready to beat up her twin.

            "Jezzz guys, cool down a little bit." – Thunder whinnied, to express his agreement.

          When Hunter and Thunder bent down, I placed one of my hands on their forehead's. Then I greeted them the same way as I did with Bourbon by leaning my forehead on Hunter's than Thunder's foreheads.

            "You guys know don't you, that today is a special day for me?" – I got three agreeing snorts from them.

            "Sometimes I'm sad because I can't communicate with you through an emotional bond. I'm jealous that is something only you can have with your riders."— I got reassuring neighs. – "I hope my companion would be as nice to me as you are guys."— Hunter stepped closer to me in a way I was against his breast and hugged me with his neck in a reassuring way.

            "He is reassuring you and ready to beat the hell out of your stallion if he or she would ever hurt you. He would be a dead fae horse. At least that was I understood, from our bond." – said a husky deep unmistakable voice, it was Caim.

            "Brother!?" – I asked in surprise as I got out from Hunter's embrace.

            "Morning to you too Sissy! And happy ninth birthday! I sometimes wonder how could you have such deep bonds with each of them even if they aren't your stallions. You are truly exceptional."

"HEY?!?!" – I shouted in surprise as Caspian sneaked behind my back and poked my sides.

            "Sometimes I think they are even more protective of you than us your big bros. By the way, Rya where is your so-called perfect awareness?"

            "Yeah, well I don't need it now! As you highlighted, I'm always protected by the fae horses. And because of their overprotectiveness' I know I'm always safe and sound around them!"

            "Rya he is just teasing you. He knows it really well you're already more than a capable fae, even if you are still a newborn."

            "Brother quit praising her! In the end, she will be full of herself! And a little teasing never killed anybody! And I'm having fun whenever she gets herself worked up." – Caspian cupped my face between his hands and squeezed my cheeks. "Isn't she cute when she is angry?"

            "Cas, run for your life! Cause, if I ever catch you, I will strangle you with my bare hands!"— I shouted at him as I ripped my self out from his hands.

            "Try it Sissy, try it! – he laughed at me as he started running.

           You cheeky puffed buffoon!!! Just wait I will catch you and there will be no mercy! I turned to Bourbon, she understood me immediately, even without any emotional bond. Bourbon bent down. I jumped on her as I grabbed her mane and launched in lightning speed gallop.

"Rya..."— started Caim, but I couldn't hear the end of what he was about to say. 

           I was already flying on the Kingdoms fastest horse. We caught up to Cas in a blink of an eye. Caspian was surprised, but he kept on running pushing himself onwards with seelie magic. I crouched up on Bourbon's back ready to jump on Cas whenever I was ready. Still a little bit closer. Wait. Wait. Now JUMP. 

           I landed on Cas' back. The impact pushed him out of his balance. We were falling. And I was about to face plant on the grass. Luckily Cas is quick-minded and turned himself, this way I landed on the top of him and he landed on his back. I was a little bit shocked by the events. However, I came back quickly to my senses. I was ready to proceed to the strangling part of my plan.

"I surrender. You win. By the way happy birthday Sissy! And you! You traitor, how could you betray your rider by letting her ride you? And even helping her against your rider?" – Cas still lying on his back raised his head upwards telling his disproval by words and through their shared bond with Bourbon. Bourbon bent down her neck and gently muzzle poked Cas face.

"I can't get angry at you girl, whenever you do this." – Cas reached out to caress Bourbon's cheekbone. He got a happy neigh from his partner.

"I get that my daughter is still a newborn, but I simply can't understand with your 22.000 years how you have still a youngling's behaviour?" – Father and Caim came walking side by side with their stallions.

"Father, you know he is like this whenever he is near Rya." – Caim stated barely able to hold back his laugh.

"Papa!" – I called out to my father and ran in his open arms. He lifted me up and I hugged him.

"Morning Sunshine! Are you ready for your Selection Day?"

"YESSSSS!!! I would like to ride to the fae stallion's layer with you, could I? – Before Papa could answer Thunder neighed gladly. And I swear I can see him grinning in victory towards Bourbon and Hunter. Father and my brothers burst out laughing.

"As you can see Sunshine, it's you who decides. I hope Thunder would let me mount behind you and doesn't want you only for himself."

—Author's note—

What will happen next? Will Arya find her fae horse?

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See ya in the next chapter!

—End of Author's note—

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