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It was only my first year at Hogwarts and here I am kissing the boy who people had told me to stay away from, the boy with the platinum blond hair and that mysterious deep blue eyes and of course to top it off a death eater. My first year and full of so many experiences, some I wish I could take back, some I wish they would have lasted forever but let's not jump ahead of ourselves and start at the very beginning...

(Hi friends this is my first ever story! I really hope you enjoy and please don't attack me for the bad layout and just enjoy ahah! lots of love don't forget to vote! xox ok back to the story)

Hi, my name is Nadia, I am finally attending my first year here at Hogwarts. I am so excited because I have dreamt of this day for years now and it is finally happening.

"We will miss you," said, my dad Carlos

"I know," I said

"You are sure you will be okay on your own?" asked my mom Sally

"Yes mom and dad I will be just fine now I have to go or I will be late," I said and with that, I hop on the train and wave goodbye.

As soon as I walk in I get a little nervous and start to feel it in my stomach but at the same time, I am very excited to be here. I go to find a spot to put my bags and somewhere to sit. Everyone already has a group of friends and just then I had bumped into someone. He was very tall and dressed in a black suit with perfectly placed platinum blonde hair, I must have not looked where I was going but at the same time thank goodness for my clumsiness.

"Hey, watch where you are going" He paused.

We are now staring at each other, me looking into his eyes, him looking into mine, somehow I felt a connection.

"Oh I am so sorry -" I said not knowing his name

"Draco Malfoy," he said, "And don't forget it, who might you be," he asked in a stern voice

"I'm Nadia," I said in a rather scared but strong voice.

"Well next time look where your walking you fil- " he was cut off

"Will you stop bothering this poor new girl?" said a voice behind me.

" I don't have to listen to you filthy mudbl-" He was cut once again this time by the voice of a boy.

"Leave her alone and walk away Malfoy," said the boy

"This isn't over," said Draco

He walks away looking me up and down then smirks and walks away to find his friends.

"I don't think we have met?" says the girl " My name is Hermione Granger and this is Harry Potter".

"Nice to meet you," I said while shaking their hands.

"Would you like to sit with us?" said Hermione.

"Sure I would love to" I responded

We walked down the aisles to find our own compartment, as we approached and put our things away another young red-haired boy was sitting there as well.

"Well who is this lovely stray," he said.

"This is Ron," Hermione turned to me and said, "As you can see quite the lady's man" she chuckled, Ron rolled his eyes.

"Nice to meet you, Ron, I'm Nadia," I said shaking his hand

We talked the whole way, talking about how nice the school is, what their experiences were living there, different sorts of classes, and anything you could think of. I was so very excited to meet my new friends and I knew that I would have a great time here.

"I have to go to the loo," I said shyly.

"Right down the aisle to your left" responded Hermionie.

I started to walk down the aisle and just as soon as I was about to walk in I saw Draco sitting laughing about how the school is ridiculous and what a pathetic excuse it was for a school, laughing with that same very smirk on his pale face. I tried to walk by without being seen but I was kidding myself at that idea.

"Oh look who it is," said Draco. "The new girl who doesn't know how to walk properly," he smirked.

"For your information, I do know how to walk and certainly don't need your criticism on my choices" I snarled back.

He stood up and his hands gripped the sides of my arms I could feel his warm body heat and we were face to face so close, so close I could feel his warm breath, he shook me and said

"Better watch your back you hear me. I'm capable of much more than you think. I can make your day's miserable new girl"

He said with a slight smirk creeping upon his face. He still had a grip on my arms but I broke free of it and said.

"I'm not scared of you. You're pathetic and a small excuse for a human" Just then I ran into the washroom locking the door quickly. I could hear his friends laughing and I knew what I had just done. I made a big mistake.

we were just kids (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now