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He looked at me with his dark eyes and I gave him a look that 'said don't you dare say a word', he looked at Lucius and Narcissa and Draco they all gave him the same look. This could go horribly.

All of a sudden a dark shadow appeared at the table and his figure started to appear. I looked at him. I am looking at the man who made my life miserable, the man who killed my parents and put me in this position. 

"Lucius, you didn't tell me you had a guest." Voldemort said in a way that was suspicious but intrigued.

"Oh yes this is Coraline, a new member of the death eaters," said Lucius.

I showed them my mark.

"HAHHAH and what is your experience being a death eater?" A lady with very curly hair snapped at me.

"That's enough Bellatrix, we must be thankful for another member, of our kind," his words lingered. He seemed as though he could see right through our lies and had a very suspicious look on his face wondering if what he was being told were lies or not.

I thought to myself I am nothing like you and I never will be.

"How did you meet the Malfoy's" Voldemort snarled.

"Well it was really a coincidence, my mark started to hurt once and a while and I saw Draco one day holding his arm as well. I followed him to a room, and he unveiled a vanishing cabinet. I showed him my mark and he agreed to show me and explained everything. I soon came to Malfoy manor and met Lucius and Narcissa and was welcomed when they realized that I too was a death eater." I said it the exact way I had rehearsed it with the Malfoy's the night before. It sounded so believable that I was even believing myself.

Snape looked at me with much suspicion but did not show it, it was obvious that he knew that I was lying but again I could ask a million questions to him as well. fro instance how dare he, Dumbledor trust Snape more then any other Professor at Hogwarts and here he was, a traitor.

"Ah well you must prove yourself" Voldemort said with another snarl.

Before he could say anything a snatcher came into the room and said it was time.

I knew exactly what that meant. It was time to take down the school I loved most.

"Ah the fun will have to wait. It is time to attack Hogwarts, but before we do that we will pay a little visit before we destroy them" He said.

What was going on! They mentioned an attack on the school but not paying a "visit" to the school. Before I could say anything we all went to pay a "visit" to Hogwarts.

we were just kids (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now