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I had managed to get back to my spot safely, surprisingly I may add. One step closer to Hogwarts I was so excited. My new friends and I grabbed our bags and sooner or later we were there... Hogwarts, finally here! I was where I knew I wanted to be all my life. I have dreamt of this moment for so long I couldn't believe it, I stood there just staring at its wonders and was wondering what was in store for me.

Later that evening it was time to eat. I have never seen so much food in my whole life. Rows upon rows of pudding, fruits, meats, divine dips, and salads it was so wonderful. Growing up as a kid my family was not the richest and we most definitely did not have meals like this.

A tall man stood up in front of everyone and announced

"Welcome back to Hogwarts students! And welcome to new students! We hope your years with us are the most memorable and make new friends and learn things you didn't know you were even capable of!"

Everyone started to clap and chant.

"That's Dumbledore," Hermione said.

I nodded.

"Silence. I hear we have some new students joining us this year!"

After about an hour of new students going to get sorted into their houses I was up next and to make things better I was the last one. I was so nervous so many eyes were looking at me and people whispering. It was very nerve-racking but I stepped up and the hat was placed on my head.

"Hmmm.. very intelligent, oh do I dare see cunning... Hmmm, a little shy.... daring and brave. Very wise and sly.... I see... SLYTHERIN!"

Everyone paused and there was a moment of hesitation in the room until people started to clap. I went to sit beside Hermionie and my other new friends. They were shocked but did not look mad or upset, just surprised.

Hermionie finally broke the silence and said "congratulations you are now a Slytherin. How do you feel?"

I did not know how to react or what to say. A Slytherin? ME? How is this possible! But that was the least of my problems. Here I was at my dream school and now I have to sit at the table across from my new friends and make other new friends with my house. But the biggest problem of all was I was now in a house with Draco Malfoy.

After about an hour and a half, we went back to our rooms but on the way back I was grabbed by the wrist by none other than Draco Malfoy.

"Ah I see we are now in the same house, congrats," he said with the very same smirk on his face.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

He still has a grip on my wrist and every time I try to escape his grip gets tighter and tighter. I was excited but terrified at the same time.

"I am just trying to be friendly," he said

"Leave me alone Malfoy" I snapped.

His grip tightened

"Feisty are we? Now I know why you are Slytherin" he said

"I-" before I could say anything, the next thing I knew I was pushed against a wall, and my body was pinned against a wall face to face with the boy who I thought hated me most. The next thing I felt was a hand brushing my cheek and then his soft lips almost against mine only inches between our bodies practically touching. I could feel his hot breath and his cologne sticking to me. I had to get away before I get stuck in a situation I didn't want so I acted without thinking.

I slapped him on the cheek not too hard but hard enough to get a message by.

He stands there holding his cheek looking like he wasn't even surprised but had a 'you will regret this look'. I run to the Griffindor common room because I know Hermione will be there because there is no way I am going to my own common room.

"Hey, there!" Hermione said. I didn't answer, I just stood there staring at the ground.

"Hey earth to Nadia?" she said.

"Oh sorry I was just thinking" I say.

'Okay well we can talk for a bit but you should get some sleep you have potions tomorrow and Snape doesn't like people to be late" she said.

"Ok sounds good." I reply.

We talked for a little bit Harry and Ron joined us but it was getting late so I decided to go back to my own dorm. 

"Thanks for the chat guys I'll see you in Snape's class tomorrow for potions" I say.

"Anytime! see you later" Hermionie said

"Eee you tomorrow" Ron and Harry said.

I wave and go back to my common room and see there is no one there I head up to my dorm which is all to me because my parents had arranged it that way. But I couldn't sleep, I couldn't stop thinking about him, about what had just happened, being sorted into a Slytherin house, or Draco.

we were just kids (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now