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The next day I was excited but I had gotten no sleep at all that night. I thought about what had happened all night long. But I had to pull myself together for my class because according to Hermionie Snape whoever that might be doesn't like when people are late.

I had made it just in time and Snape was not in the class yet. I looked around the classroom to see of course the only seat left was beside the one and only Draco Malfoy. I'm almost sure he made sure of that.

"Ah tired are we this morning Nadia," he said chuckling with his friends.

I did not say anything cause I was not in the mood for stirring the pot this morning especially not with him.

"What's the matter cat got your tongue" his friends started to laugh.

"Shut up Malfoy!" I yelled back.

Of course to my luck, Snape walked in.

"Miss Nadia is that correct?" said Snape

"Yes, professor" I replied feeling embarrassed.

"Another outburst like that and you will begin seeing future detentions understood?" he said in a very serious and low voice.

"Yes Professor won't happen again," I said.

"Good now open your books" he said.

The class was only an hour but it felt like forever. Maybe it was the fact that we only took notes and loads of reading, or maybe it was the fact that Draco was teasing me the whole time knowing that I couldn't do anything about it.

I went to the library to study my potions for a test that was coming up and met up with Hermionie and a very nice girl named Ginny.

"Hi I'm Nadia," I said

"Ah the Slytherin girl," she said.

"Don't worry about it. Any friend of Hermionie's is a friend of mine" she chuckled.

We spent some time together and they helped me with my potion studies and they left a bit after.

"Are you coming, Nadia? We are going to go out for a little bit" Hermionie asked

"No I have to study just a little bit longer and need to find some more books" I replied

"OK see you tonight for supper?" asked Ginny

"Wouldn't miss it!" I replied.

"Great see you later!" they both said

I carried on with my studies and went to go look for another book. Of course just my luck Draco. There he is, coming to sit down right across from me. I pretended not to see him but I could feel his gaze on me. I looked up only for a second to see him with that same smirk and a smug look on his face. I knew this wouldn't be good. I tried to avoid it for a while but I couldn't so I went to get a new book to try and get away from him. I started to walk but saw that he had gotten up and started to follow me. I will not lie, he looked quite handsome with his perfectly fitted black suit and his perfectly combed hair, always parted to one side... What am I saying I need to get out here!

I started to jog trying not to be seen by any other professors. No doubt he also started to pick up his pace, he was much taller than I was so while I was jogging he was speed walking. I eventually started running through the book aisle he was jogging right beside me on the other side of the bookshelf. I had an idea but he was one step in front of me. I eventually stopped running to see that he wasn't there anymore. This can not be good. All of a sudden before I could even think I felt a hand grab me from the back I could no longer move my right hand because it was behind my back in a very strong grip, tighter than the one on my wrist our last encounter. Then my other hand was next and now I was completely immobile of my arms and hands. The other hand went over my mouth so I could not say anything. He pushed us into the very corner of the library so no one could see us. I was once again face to face with this tall pale man with his deep blue eyes staring at mine. He puts his finger on my lip and lets go of my hands. His knee is against my body so I can't move.

"You like that don't you?" he said.

"Draco what the hell is wrong with you! Let me go you jerk!" I snapped

"I like it when you're feisty but take it down a notch," he said with a big smirk on his face.

"Shut up Draco let me go right now! And me take it down a notch?! How about you take it down a notch! This isn't right, let me go!" I am now shouting at him.

He put his finger on my lip once again. I pull my face away from his finger so I am not looking at him.

"I don't like that Malfoy now stop it," I said

"Liar," he said and before I knew it I felt his smooth lips on mine once again. They were soft and warm and I could feel his hands against my waist and tracing the seams of my button-up white shirt. The kiss got more intense and harder but I pulled away and we stared at each other then I walked away and said

"Don't ever do that again" I get latch out of his grip and run to my spot. He just stood their with the same old smirk on his face watching  me run back. 

"Hope to do it again some time" he shouts out at me

"In your dreams Malfoy" I yell back.

I scrambled for my books and headed to get ready for dinner. I can't believe it I fell for it again.

we were just kids (Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now