Chapter 6:"Family reunion"

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1 year has passed, Ryujin was 18 years old an legal age. He also make his own name in the seat of UN and other government country. Well, people or Government joking say that he is the UN government. No one want to cross their line with Akatsuki RYujin if you don't want to get humiliated or got their mind is breaking apart, he also already join the meeting with other Government and important person alone without his master

"You are my heir, You can do it..." That what his master say to him

Because of that he has a confident, strong, he didn't arrogant or big head because of their status but if there a people who look like talking with brick and didn't know how to understand then he gonna look down at them but unfortuanelty there bunch of people like that in Government and make him wondered how the hell they managed to enter the Government

Those things will lead into debate and because of that he has to show his presence, some of them try to look down at him because of his young age but he graduate in early age and have bunch of certicifate

-.Graduate from MIT all A at age 10 in Science and Technology got tittle of Dr.

-. Graduate from Harvard all A at 12 in Politic and International relation got tittle of Phd

-Graduate from University of Maryland all A at 17 in forensic and psycology Criminology

Because of that he managed to got a high position the same as Secretary general of UN but he was the one who doing all the job while he doing finacial report for the 193 country and attend meeting as the head of UN while he was stay in shadow.

Ryujin alwasy carved in his mind and brain to show why he in here, why he is show himsefl in front of the 193 country represantive, he has a highest clearance that can look from the 193 government and of course he vow to not let it slip to other country if not he got death execution as treason but he didn't have intend to show it to other country, He didn't want to make a war. 

He always has his head held high, pridefull and he refuse to look down so he held his head high. Ryujin first impression alwasy make people tense and can make them feel like they want to curled in ball and break their eye contact from those cold blue eye that can showing a laser or he can make people feel naked in his eyes.


A male wearing an expensive a tailor 3 piece suit obviously, people once say that ountfit make people and indeed he look like an nobility, elite guy from higher rank. 

Ryujin was in his office doing his paperwork since he is Rank S he has his own team, he lead hundred of Agent under his wing and some time he doing UN paperwork along attending FBI and CIA meeting about Black Organization

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Ryujin was in his office doing his paperwork since he is Rank S he has his own team, he lead hundred of Agent under his wing and some time he doing UN paperwork along attending FBI and CIA meeting about Black Organization.

An office in high building, an spacious space covered in glass panel surrounding the roon with a big table in the middle with a comfy chair and a glass computer, do not forget an couch and coffe table in the side of the room as guest then a big hologram of World map in the middle of the room. 

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