Ryujin was in Prof.Agase house basement, since he bring Shinichi to the meeting with CIA, FBI, PSB and PSIA he begin to look more further about Black Organization, Ryujin sit in the chair listening to Conan wondering about code number from Tottori Prefecture
"During his case in OKinawa, i was bothered by the phone call that Motoyama-san made. That was call was made to Kurayoshi city in Tottori Prefecture and during that case the other day, Detective Yamamura also made a call, to his grandmother in the Yazu district in the Tottori Prefecture.Both place share an area code-0858" Conan informed him
"SO what about it?" Prof.Agase ask
"I've had the same impression before. That Vermouth woman was keying in her collegue mail adress when i was in her car" Conan informed him make Ryujin stiffened,"But, it wasn't just a regular collegue. I'm sure heard of it. That time, those mumble word 'Ok Boss'"
"Then, that phone number could be..." Prof.Agase trailed
"Yeah, this 0858 might be the mail adress of the boss that command those guys. But then again, my impression applies only to the first four number. Besides, this '0858' feel subtly different somehow" Conan say
Ryujin stand up get out from the lab in silence saw Haibara in the door hear the conversation, He stare at her make him frozen
"You can't run away forever... defeat them" Ryujin whisper
He leave her in pale, wide eye in fear. Ryujin go back to Kudo Mansion to his lair, he look atthe clock it's still in afternoon
"EDIH, have you found anything connected to the code?" RYujin ask
'I apologize, My lord... but i haven't found connected and I didn't great at music, Trully sory, My lord'
Ryujin sigh,"That is true..."
He decided to go into the PSB office, to Kazami-san office. He told him the code make him stiffen look at Ryujin in wide eye
"How you got an Jackpot?" He ask in disbellieve
"Secret..." Ryujin say with wink then turn into serious,"We might know what is this code is when we know the rest of number..."
"That is right..." Kazami-san say agree,"Why don't you ask KID?"
"Impossible, he is busy enough to catch Snake and his collegue" Ryujin say leaned at the chair
"And you decided to hang around in here?" Kazami ask raised his eyebrow
"Nonsense!" Ryujin say standing up,"I have meeting with Prime Minister until late night, i jsut come to visit and to tell you"
Ryujin leave the office go to Prime Minister buillding, he suddenly remember Furuya-san who is in Black Organization
"EDIH, send it to FUruya-san and make sure to not let them know" Ryujin command
'Yes, My lord'
Ryujin go to the meeting with Prime Minister, FBI, PSIA and Internation Security Agency. He just finished the meeting late night but there no news about the code except from Furuya who say that he heard once from Vermouth when she connected to the Boss.
He go back to the PSB office until EDIH told him that the famous composer, Haga-san has been captured because killing his family. Ryujin remember more like know him, he has a perfect pitch, he smirk call Kazami-san
If he go now, he's still in Interogation room to give an testimony. Ryujin arrived at the Police Department saw Kazami wait for him, He walk alongside Ryujin

The Guardian - Detective Conan Fanfiction-
FanfictionPeople know that Kudo family has a son and he is Kudo Shinichi, an Great Detective of east, The savior of the police but what they didn't need they have a oldest son, an leader, an Alpha, an Guardian. He who has a dark past that hidden, locked in hi...