𝕾𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖊 𝕾𝖍𝖎𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖉

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【Chapter Fourteen】

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【Chapter Fourteen】

🀢 🀣 🀥

Ariel and Lydia's morning was not the same as the ones before, as the girls had still been recovering from their hike through the woods. The doctors claimed that they had been in a fugue state, but both girls knew what that meant: nobody had a clue what happened to them. They didn't know what was wrong with them either; all they knew was that one moment they were hallucinating in the shower, and the next, they were naked in the woods, terrified for no reason.

Lydia was adamant that the sister's wardrobe be perfect for their return to school, considering they had to prove to everyone that they weren't insane. Ariel chose to wear a silky white dress with a pink ribbon tied around it with her favorite pink heels to match.

"I can't believe that mom is acting like nothing happened these past few days," Lydia groaned as she exited the car.

Ariel thought back to their return home the previous night. Mrs. Martin had done an excellent job of acting as if the girls had never left. She didn't even stay in the morning to check in on them. However, Ariel wasn't fazed as she knew their mom was struggling with the return of their dad.

The brunette shrugged her small shoulders. "I just hope the rest of the school acts the same," Ariel grumbled.

"Hey, guys," Allison chirped, running up towards Ariel with her school books in hand. "How are you, Lydia?"

Lydia held her hand up to stop Allison, "I can't even remember anything about while I was in the woods, or much before that."

Allison frowned in confusion, "You really don't remember anything?"

"They called it a fugue state," Ariel rubbed her arm awkwardly, knowing how silly they sounded. She wished she could remember what went on in the woods. The only thing the Martin girl did know was she needed to talk to Stiles about it.

"Which is basically a way of saying 'we have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days,'" Lydia rolled her eyes. Just as the girls reached the doors, Lydia spun on her heels with a huge smile.

"But personally, I don't care," Lydia tossed her hair, "I lost nine pounds."

Ariel nodded, flattening her dress at her own weight loss, "I lost ten."

Allison chuckled fix her lipstick with her handheld mirror in preparation for walking into the school, causing Ariel to raise her brow, "You ready?"

Lydia scoffed, her eyes flitting over to the Argent. "Please, it's not like my aunt's a serial killer," and with that, Lydia placed her hands on her hips and strutted into the school.

An unfazed Allison and Ariel just looked at each other in awe of the sassy Martin, both trying to stifle their laughter at her self-confidence. Allison turned to Ariel before mimicking Lydia's stance and holding out her arm for Ariel, "You ready?"

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