𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕲𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖉

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【Chapter Twenty-One】

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【Chapter Twenty-One】

🀢 🀣 🀥

Ariel Martin stood in the shower, washing off her body from the hospital grime and sweat that had become the regular for her in the past few weeks. The doctors were finally letting the girl out today, and she couldn't be more ecstatic as she let the warm water wash over me, calming her nerves.

As the light patter of the water began to rhythmically beat against her skin, the brunette's head lulled back, in complete bliss. The only thing that was ruining her shower was the noise coming from outside the bathroom. The Martin had ignored the light din up till now, but she slowly began to realize that it sounded like shouts from a crowd rather than the air conditioner she had assumed it was before.

Slowly opening her eyes, Ariel stopped conditioning her hair so that she could lightly pull back the plastic shower curtain. Peering her head outside of the tiled backroom shower of the hospital, her eyes widened as she faced a crowd that appeared to be cheering for one of the lacrosse games. Turning back to run in the shower,.'ealizing she was naked, Ariel's eyes widened as she saw the shower disappear to reveal more field space.

Moving to cover her body, the petit girl noticed she was adorned in her old winter formal dress, still perfectly pressed and without a drop of her blood. Ariel began shaking her head fervently, knowing that she was having one of her nightmares again.

"Ariel! Ariel! Ariel!" The crowd began to chant her name as an uproar of applause and cheers showered over her. Numerous people sported signs and pom-poms, all in honor of the pale-eyed girl who was ready to fall to the ground in fear.

One person, in particular, caught Ariel's eye as she looked into the ground. It was a slightly tanned brunette was long hair that didn't fit in amongst the cheering crowd. The teenage girl was in a frenzy pulling at her licks as she wailed her lungs out, the scream seemingly lost in the wind.

Ariel tilted her head in confusion, walking forward to ask her what was wrong as she noticed the fearful look in her eyes. Just as she began to approach the crowd, someone grabbed her arm and pulled her back, causing the brunette to lurch her body backward in fear. Her eyes widened as she faced her older sister, Lydia, who seemed to be thinking the same thing that she was as she stared into the crowd.

"Ariel," Lydia's mouth formed, although no words came out, "Watch out," she spoke, pointing behind the girl as she tried to pull her sister away, but it was too late. By the time that Ariel's head had whipped around to face whatever was scaring Lydia, Peter Hale had already extended his claws and sunken them into the small girl's delicate skin. The tearing of flesh was the only thing that the girls heard, as Lydia soon fell to the ground next to her sister.

Ariel let out a slight shriek as she awake from her nightmare, tears flowing out of her eyes as she desperately tried to control her breathing. Her long hair nearly reached her waist as she pushed her locks up away from her face so she could look at her sister, who was lying next to her, also shaking in fear from their nightmare.

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