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Oh lordy, last time I updated this was freshmen year, I'm a junior now. I dont like how fast time is moving.
Disclaimer: Please dont mention Joshler to Tyler and Josh, they are real people and are not in a relationship, I simply like making fanfictions and this does not reflect the real them.
Tw: Use of slurs

"She called me a fag, Blurryface says to hurt her." Tyler says, his eyes distant as though he was looking into another world.

Josh hesitates for a moment before he places his hand on Tyler's shoulder, not failing to notice how the other boy flinched under his touch.

"Well," Josh begins. "Even if you are.. You know.. Gay or anything, your mom seems to just be a huge git." He says softly, a small smile on his face.

"I'm not a fag. I'm anything except that." Tyler's words were harsh, and his voice came out two octaves deeper than his normal, teenage boy voice, it almost reminded Josh of a dog growling.

It was the blue hair boys turn to flinch, a lot more violently than Tyler had before.

"Right, I'm sorry." Josh breathes out, his mind screaming for him to get out of this potentially dangerous situation.

"The position we were in did look pretty dodgy, didn't it?" Tyler asks in a clear attempt to lighten that mood, and Josh goes along with it, letting out a nervous laugh.

"Oh please, a mom is supposed to comfort her child, so unless you have a thing for that I wouldn't say so." After Josh says that, the air went silent, before both of the boys started laughing.

"What the hell, Dun?" Tyler asks through his laughter, well near tears at something that really wasnt all that funny.

"You walked right into that one! I just responded!" Josh responds, then quickly gets pelted by a pillow.

Josh quickly grabs the extra pillow and jumps at Tyler, attacking him as though someone was holding a gun to his head and saying he had to beat the bigger boy to death with it. Whilst in the midst of an extremely brutal pillow fight, Josh's phone begins to ring, he recognizes it as the ringtone he had set for his mother and was quick to answer the phone.

"Hey." He says, relaxing on the bed.

"It's almost 10PM." His mothers voice comes clearly through as Josh had put the phone on speaker and rested it on his chest. "You need to come home and eat then shower, you know you won't over at your friends house."

"Oh, yeah, I'll be there soon then. Love you." Josh fights the urge to sigh. He really couldn't deny the fact that he didn't particularly want to stay at Tyler's house.

"I love you too." His mother answers before hanging up. Josh sits up and looks at Tyler, who had his head tilted just slightly.

"So.." Tyler says.

"So?" Josh responds to him, an eyebrow raised.

"Um.." Tyler begins awkwardly then clears his throat. "I can walk you home if you want."

Josh simply nods and stands up, walking towards the door and starting to go up the steps. He didn't see when Tyler opened his mouth to speak, only to shake his head and follow him up the steps and soon going on the door.

The two left the house to begin walking in mostly silence to Josh's much more comforting one, thankfully not having any confrontation on their way out of Tyler's home.

"Maybe next time we should rehearse at your place? Does this weekend sound good?" Tyler eventually speaks through the, admittedly awkward, silence.

"Yeah sure, that's fine." Josh answers him, both wanting to get away from the boy and also wanting to get closer to him.

I can see why people fall for him.

Josh gives Tyler a side glance, wondering briefly if part of the reason he avoided the brunette so much was because of his natural charm, it was no wonder he constantly had a girlfriend.

Part of Josh reminded him of Tyler talking about Blurryface, and how the minute his partner would find out about the.. Voice? What even was Blurryface? Josh shakes his head, forcing his train of thought away from Tyler, thus not finishing the memory of Tyler speaking about his past relationships.

In all honestly, Tyler didn't seem that different, even with the knowledge that he definetely had something wrong with him.


Josh couldnt stop his thoughts from continuing, he heard the small whisper of the words even through his normal thoughts.


Josh looks at the singer walking beside him, wondering if he was dangerous as the memory of his growl-like voice echoes through his mind, along with the feeling from before that he should run away from the taller boy.

As if sensing his discomfort, Tyler clears his throat again and gives a small smile. "I ca-can go if you want. You're doing the.. The avoiding eye contact thing.."

That damn stutter.

Any thoughts that Tyler could possibly be any more dangerous than a normal boy vanished at that small sign of vulnerability and Josh couldn't help but to smile back at him. A real, genuine smile.

"We're at my house anyways, I'll see you tomorrow Tyler." The name still felt like silk on Josh's tongue.

Maybe things wouldn't be so bad with this delusional, popular, stupid, Playboy.

This chapter was hella short, I'm going to aim for a minimum of 1.5k words and I'll write a whole bunch out so I can eventually have some sort of posting scedule. I know where I want this story to end as well. Anyways, I hope you have a good day my noodles :P

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