Chapter Four, Baseball

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Chapter Four, Baseball

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Chapter Four, Baseball

A few weeks had gone by since MACUSA had made the Cullen's sign a contract and during that time Jasper and Camilla had grown closer, there was only one problem however: Edward and Bella. Edward had told Bella a party was being thrown for her birthday, when in actual fact that wasn't the case, instead the Cullen's had planned on playing Baseball and inviting only Camilla and her family. So instead Alice had to quickly throw a party together, which was a disaster before it truly even began. Jasper refused to attend and was out hunting with Rosalie who had also refused to go. While Bella had been opening the presents she got a paper cut and showed her bloody finger to each vampire in the room, only to end up being tossed into a table by Edward which was laden down with glass and ended up getting cut worse.

Long story short, Edward tried to get the family to leave and therefore, make Jasper leave Camilla who he had just found, but Jasper and everyone else refused.
"If you don't leave to protect Bella, I'll become a threat to -" Edward never got to finish his sentence as in the next moment the Major had ripped off his head and threw it to the floor.
"Nobody! Nobody threatens my mate!" Major growled dangerously, he dragged Edward's body and head outside and lit it on fire. "I don't care what you say Carlisle nobody threatens Camilla and her family. He's been warned more than enough and I won't stand for it. I will eliminate any and all threats to her!" Major growled as he came back into the room.
"I don't blame you son." Carlisle assured. "But, what do we do about Bella?"

"Have MACUSA wipe her mind of us." Rosalie shrugged. "And tell people he's living with family in Alaska."
"Can we invite them to play Baseball now?" Emmett asked.
"Tomorrow." Esme said. "Camilla would've put her son to bed by now."
Emmett huffed and crossed his arms he wanted to properly meet the mad twins and Camilla but he supposed he could wait one more day.


The next morning as Camilla was turning off her alarm she saw a text from Jasper. Rubbing her bleary eyes she opened the phone to quickly reply before she got up.

Jasper: Good Morning Darlin'. I hope you and Teddy and a good sleep. I was wondering if you, Teddy, Andy, Fred and George would like to play baseball with us after school today?
Camilla: Good Morning Jazz. We did thanks and we would love to. I'll check with the twins and Andy at breakfast. How was your night?
Jasper: It was okay. Great :) I'll see you soon darlin

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