Chapter Six, Date Night and talks

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Pairing name: Jamilla

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Pairing name: Jamilla

Chapter Six, Date Night and talks

Months had gone by with hide nor hair of Bella could be found despite the exhaustive efforts of the Aurors and the Cullen's. But the situation in Seattle continued to increase and they feared they would have to step in soon as it appeared the Volturi would not be stepping in anytime soon. The Quillette pack had also been informed on what was going on in Seattle as Jasper had come to the conclusion that it was Newborns (he and the Major were itching to destroy all of them before they endangered Camilla and her family), and what had happened and even given them the letter as proof that the rest of them didn't have a hand in it and that Edward had been dealt with. The pack had agreed to keep an eye out on their patrols as it explained why they were shifting so quickly.

On other matters Camilla and Jasper continued to grow closer and had been on a quite a few dates. Their families could tell they were falling for each other and hoped it continued to blossom. Andy had given the Cullen's the location of their home and they would be joining them on Christmas morning to celebrate which was quickly approaching. Andy had also started working part-time at the hospital for a month now and either Esme or Rosalie would babysit Teddy for them if Fred and George were at the shop. The shop continued to thrive despite all the disappearances going on, and the charm protected Fred and George from being taken so their family had peace of mind as they would use the Floo to and from work to avoid any risks.

Teddy was coming on in leaps and bounds and was becoming a cheeky little monster as he tried to get into anything and everything. As for Camilla: she would have her first session with Carlisle today but thankfully he would be coming to her home so she didn't have to go to the Hospital and as of right now; she was visiting her loved ones graves.
"Hi Mum. Hi Dad, Siri, Remus, Dora and Ted." Camilla said tearfully, as she created a wreath of winter roses to appear on all of their graves and kneeled down in front of them not caring about the snow getting her jeans wet.

"I miss you all so much." She sobbed, tears pouring down her cheeks like a waterfall. "I really wish you were here. I met my mate his names Jasper Whitlock. I didn't say before as we are taking things slow but we have been on a few dates now, and I know what your going to say Daddy, Sirius and you too Remus: 'that you need to check him out first', but Fred and George would've done you proud with the interrogation. And he's nice to Kreacher and gets along well with Fred and George. He's also amazing with Teddy and Andy loves him. I think I do too. Teddy is becoming a little terror." She laughed wetly. "I seriously think he got the Marauder gene; he's a cheeky little thing and has the most gorgeous laugh, and when he smiles he has a little dimple on his left cheek, but he's starting to get into everything.

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