Chapter 8: What a View

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Saturday 15th October

Just over a month had passed at Hogwarts, and honestly, nothing new had happened over the course of that time.

Surprisingly, I hadn't spoken to Draco since our.. ..encounter. Ah well, probably fucking Pansy or some shit. I can tell that I'm meant to be with Fred and not Draco, because the thought of Fred fucking someone makes me wanna rage, but the thought of Draco fucking something is completely normal, probably because he's a little manwhore.

I had decided to meet Fred to help him study for Astronomy, one of his worst subjects and History of Magic, one of my worst subjects. Fred was good at Transfiguration, almost too good actually, and playing Quidditch was also his strong suit, whenever he talked about it, his eyes lit up, it was fucking adorable to be honest. Me personally, I loved Potions and I exceled in Charms class, even though it did bore me. I met up with him in the Gryffindor common room, it would be quiet there, as most people were out practicing Quidditch seeing as it was a dry day. We agreed 11am on the dot, and he opened the door to greet me, flashing me one of his biggest smiles. He poked, my waist.

"In here trouble." he gestured his head into the common room. I was always happy to be in here, not just because of Fred but because the Gryffindor common room was always so warm and welcoming and smelt like burning wood and parchment paper. It just felt very cosey.

Fred led me to his dorm whilst I followed, a little confused.

"Are we not studying in the common room?" I queried, whilst Fred took my hand.

"Nah we'll go in my room, anyone could come back and distract us, besides, George will be gone all day, him and Ron are gonna go to Hogsmeade." he smirked, whilst giving me a signature Fred wink.

"Distract us? Fred we're only studying, not fucking." I said sternly, kind of hoping he'd just pull me into his dorm and fuck me there and then.

He chuckled, "Yes, I know that. I meant because we need to study hard and I don't want people coming in and starting conversation, it'll put me off. As much as I'd love to get my head down on you, I should probably get my head down into some books."

Well, that made me throb. He had such a way with words.

We studied for a couple of hours, and I actually had a good time. I loved studying with Fred, because we could chat and still get on with the work. He was also quite a good teacher and helped me with History of Magic, and somehow made it fun? Shoot me for saying this but History of Magic bored me. History of any kind does not interest me, why don't we just focus on the present time? I don't get it.

I looked up at the clock in Fred's dorm as it read 1.30pm. I felt my stomach begin to rumble, it was definitely time for lunch.

"Fred, should we go and get something to eat? I'm hungry." I asked quietly.

Fred looked at me and closed his books along with mine and carefully placed them onto the floor. I was sitting at the head of his bed with my legs ever so slightly open, whilst he was laying stomach flat on the other side of his bed, closer to my knees. He grasped my leg with his big hand and kissed my knee gently.

"I know what I'm hungry for." he growled, eyes filled with desperation.

I sighed and gave him a disapproving look. "I thought you said you wanted to study and that we weren't going to do this."

"Well we're not studying anymore are we? Come on, don't you want to?" he breathed, whilst moving his hands down to my thighs, his touch gentle but rough, he grabbed my thighs slowly whilst making his way down to my pussy, which was slightly wet already.

Mirror: A Fred Weasley / Draco Malfoy Story Where stories live. Discover now