Chapter 15: Always A Fucking Pleasure

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We had apparated outside the Shrieking Shack with our bottles of Firewhiskey and gin, just as planned and headed inside. Fred and I were greeted by the group, and I was so excited to see everyone, I loved spontaneous evenings like this.

I went around and hugged everyone and we spoke about our days, I of course definitely did not fail to mention the fact that Fred asked me to the ball with him.

"Merlins beard! What a way to ask, that's such a Fred thing to do! I'm so happy for you guys, you're gonna have a great time!" Hermione babbled whilst resting her hand on my shoulder. "Have you thought about your dress yet?"

"Of course, I have one in mind and I cannot wait to show you Mione."

I had already picked mine out about a month ago, and I knew Fred would like it, no matter if we were going to the ball together or not. It was a floor-length royal blue gown, which had a lace v neckline, showing off the twins (it's a special occasion so they have to make an appearance. It had a slit up the left leg and I was going to pair it with white lace-up stilettos. The Yule Ball was always a great time of year, so I always made the best effort I could.

"You're gonna knock this one dead love, I'm sure you're gonna look gorgeous," George exclaimed, nudging Fred. I heard him whisper in Fred's ear "I don't know how you managed to get her mate."

I'm not going to lie, George was an exceptionally attractive man, almost as cheeky as Fred but just slightly more mellowed. If I told you that I haven't thought about going to the Eiffel Tower with him and Fred, I would be 100% lying. But that wouldn't happen, it's always been Fred.

"Thank you doll, who have you asked to go with you?" I queried, whilst cracking open a can of tonic water to go with my gin.

"Funny you ask. I actually haven't built up the courage to ask anyone yet. I do have someone in my mind though, however that's for me to you and you to maybe find out if I end up asking her." George mumbled, blushing a scarlet red. I was so intrigued to know who it was, I didn't even know that George had his eye on anyone.. George had actually been in a secret relationship with a girl for a couple of years, but they broke up last year. Fred and I are the only people that know, and that itself is shocking, I don't know how they hid it for so long.

"Well I hope you end up asking her, would be good for you!" I replied, pouring my gin into a glass. "Anyone else want a gin and tonic?"

"Me please," Hermione chimed.

"Go on then please, sweet," said George.

"Fuck that, I've got something better." Ginny perked up, dashing to the cupboard and pulling out the Baruffio's Brain Elixir.

"I agree, that potion will definitely be used, but I don't think we should jump straight into it, it's only 7pm." I said concerned, I knew how strong the elixr was and I know what Ginny can be like when it comes to the weekend, very impulsive and a raging party animal.

"Fine, I'll take a firewhiskey if you're offering. Would anyone like a blunt? I'll roll up." she retorted, she sounded a little annoyed at me but I was only looking out for her. Everyone agreed to a blunt, and I could not wait to get started.

"Ah yes, before I forget. Guys, are you all okay with Pansy and Blaise joining us later? I spoke with Pansy earlier and she asked what I was up to tonight and asked if I wanted to meet her seeing as we haven't spoken in a while. I don't have an issue with her so I said yes, is that alright?"

Pansy? That's fine. Blaise? Also fine. However I remembered back to earlier when I saw them two walking with Draco, and I am not ok with him turning up too.

"No issues from us!" Harry and Ginny said in unison.

"Fine with me and Georgie." Fred agreed.

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