Chapter 9: Get Out of My Head

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I woke up from my nap at 3.50pm, kind of gutted that I had wasted a chunk of the afternoon, but I was happy to see Fred arms draped over me as he snored quietly. I took it all in for a minute.

How could someone be so handsome? I looked at Fred all the time but being this close to him whilst he slept made me see him in a different light. He was so peaceful, it was kinda nice seeing as all he did was joke around. I didn't mind it though, he jokes and pranks actually made him more charming.

I stared at him, examining his face, more freckles seemed to appear the longer I looked at him. He had a scar on his left eyebrow, probably the result of a prank George played on him one time. His jawline was strong and cheekbones prominent, which was super attractive to me. I glanced down to his hands which were relaxed but still hot, the veins that boy had. I don't know what was so attractive about a veiny hand but they just turned me on instantly. I stroked his soft pale cheeks and smiled lightly at him, I felt so content and he wasn't even awake.

Or so I thought.

"Take a picture, gorgeous, it'll last longer." he groaned, in a sleepy voice.

I quickly lifted my hand off of his face and sighed, then got out of bed and started to put my clothes back on, I was wondering why I was so hungry for a split second, and then remembered. We had our own snack earlier.

"Going so soon? Is it the sheer embarrassment of me catching you eyeing me up?" he chuckled, whilst giving me a wink to let me know he was joking.

"I'm just super hungry and need some food. Care to join me?" I huffed, whilst putting my shoes on.

"Sure thing doll, I'm quite peckish too believe it or not, you'd think I'd be full from earlier." he said whilst getting up from the bed and pulling me in for a hug, clearly referring to what we got up to before.

We made our way down stairs and settled on taking a trip to Diagon Alley, primarily to eat down at the Leaky Cauldron, where we actually bumped into Hermione, Harry and Ginny. I also saw Draco and Blaise on another table at the corner of my eye which was a surprise to say the least.

Hermione greeted me with a cuddle. "Hey Alex, so good to see you, Harry, Ginny and I have actually not long arrived, come sit with us." she chirped as I took a seat next to her, and Fred sat next to Ginny.

"Ello sis, of course I'd expect to see you here. Wherever Harry goes, you're seen shortly after." Fred jeered, whilst giving Harry a tap of the arm from across the table."

"Shut it, Fred." Ginny retorted, her cheeks flushing red.

We ordered some food, Hermione and I both tucked into a hearty plate of bangers and mash, Fred had a toad in the hole, Ginny a salad, and Harry wolfed down a cottage pie. All of which was actually super tasty. The Leaky Cauldron definitely was not the fanciest of restaurants, but sometimes, all you really craved was wholesome pub grub. I realised that I had managed to get gravy ALL down my arm, fucks knows how that happened, I'm quite a clumsy eater, but never loud. Anyone who eats with their mouth open and smacks their food down deserves a cell in Azkaban, I don't make the rules.

"I'm just gonna go wash my hands and apparently arms, look at the state of this." I said, gesturing towards my gravy stained arms.

"Dirty girl." Fred giggled with innocence due to the fact that we were in a public place, but I knew that was definitely meant to be cheeky.

I made my way to the bathroom, but as I was going into the ladies, someone was coming out of the men's, someone very familiar.

Ugh, Draco.

"Alright?" he said lowly, avoiding eye contact.

I thought I'd make him squirm a bit, after all, I needed to show him that whatever game we were playing was clearly not about to be won by him.

Mirror: A Fred Weasley / Draco Malfoy Story Where stories live. Discover now