Chapter 14: Long Overdue

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Friday 11th December

Snow is falling, all around me, children playing, having fun.

It's the most wonderful time of the year, my favorite holiday by far, Christmas. I had spent Christmas with the Weasleys most years, but this time, we all decided and asked if it was ok to stay at Hogwarts, it felt like the right time this year.

It has been over a week since Fred and I confessed our feelings, and to tell you straight, it's only been a little different. There's no more danger and it's not a guessing game anymore, but nothing has really happened. Our feelings being out in the open has definitely been an experience for me. Fred and I are taking things slow, and I mean very slow, it's pretty much the same as it was before we told each other how we felt, as we were always flirty, but we're not officially together. I feel like I cannot truly be happy with Fred until I tell him the entirety of the story I shared with him, and I don't think I'm ready to tell him who it was that hurt me, I don't know if I'll ever be ready.

Fred has told me he's taking me on a date this evening, so I am looking forward to this. He's not told me where he's going, which is cute, I like a surprise. I've been studying in the library most of the afternoon, even though I should really be in classes, I just wanted to skip, it's only herbology and history of magic so nothing that important to me, as bad as that sounds. I left the library when our day usually finished, excited to go back to my dorm and get ready for my evening with Fred.

I entered the common room and was greeted by Luna, Padma, and Anthony. Luna skipped over and I knew she was about to mention where I was this entire afternoon.

"Oh, hello Alex. Correct me if I'm wrong but it appears that your presence was absent this afternoon. Where have you been hiding from us?" she quizzed, in a soft yet oddly patronizing tone.

"Relax doll, I skipped classes this afternoon, which I don't usually do, but I just really wanted to get stuck into my books, mostly transfiguration, I'm struggling a little on it right now," I replied, rolling my eyes playfully.

Luna gasped quietly.

"Alexis Chessings, I would be disappointed if you didn't skip class to study, but I suppose that's the Ravenclaw in you." she smiled.

"What are your plans for this evening?" I sighed, changing the subject.

"I am not entirely sure at this moment, but I do know that I would love some pudding at some point this evening, I may take a stroll afterward. And yourself?"

"Well, I'm going on a date with Fred later, not sure where, but he's asked me to meet at the astronomy tower. Would you like to help me get ready?" I beamed, heading towards my dorm.

"I would love to, let's go." Luna skipped in front of me, opening my door, and bounced over to my ottoman, and took a seat. "Right, did you have a particular outfit in mind?"

"I was thinking a jumper and skirt with some tights, I don't know exactly where Fred is taking me so that seems quite versatile." I picked out a grey cable knit jumper and a black denim skirt and paired it with black tights and some ankle boots. I stood in front of Luna.

"How's this?"

"Hmmm. Exceptionally ordinary. Here, what about this instead?" she uttered, whilst walking over to my armchair which has clothes messily tossed over it, and picked up a forest green bardot jumper, and some knee-high which were tucked under the chair.

I smiled at her. "I like this better, thanks Luna."

"Not a problem. It looks like my work here is done, I now really want some pudding." And with that, she floated out of my room. That girl was very odd, but I adored her.

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