My life as a teenage superhero

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Okay. This is officially the worst day of my life. My first day of grade 9.

Woah woah woah wait a second. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Kristy Parks and I am, well, a loner. Today is my first day of grade 9 in a new school, a new city, and a new state. My Dad was offered a job here, in New York, New York, at a research facility. Now normally I would've totally into that science type thing but not this time. I was just getting comfortable in my old city of Detroit, when all of a sudden we move here. Just great.

How on Earth am I supposed to make friends with anyone these New Yorkers? They'll probably make fun of my Michigan accent. All the girls will be obsessed with makeup and fashion and all the boys will only care about football and basketball and impressing the girls. Not my type of crowd. I'm more of a comic-book-video-game nerd. I know, makes me sound like an idiot. Well, like I said before, I am a loner.

"Good morning honey!" My mom yelled as she opened the door to my room.

"Mom!" I yell back, annoyed. I'm already having a bad day.

"Up and Adam! You don't want to be late for your first day of highschool, do you?" she sais cheerfully.

It would've been so satisfying to say 'yes', but I wouldn't take the chance. Instead I replied with a sarcastic, "No mom," and dragged myself out of bed.

"I didn't think so," she replied, "Your breakfast is in the kitchen. Now shower and get dressed, and please," she emphasized 'please', "wear something descent.

Wear something descent? What's that supposed to mean? What's wrong with ny normal wardrobe. I stripped of my sweaty pajamas and shivered as I turned on the shower. I let the hot water drench me and put my favourite Herbal Essences shampoo into my hair. When I was done, I put on my bathrobe and dried my short brown hair. It immediately straightened. Well, at least I'll look okay today, I thought. I walked out of the bathroom to my closet, trying to decide what to wear.

After a couple of long minutes deciding, I ended up choosing dark wash skinny jeans, Uggs, and one of my favourite sweaters, a green lantern one. Hopefully my mom will consider this as descent.

I walked into the kitchen and saw my delicious breakfast of bacon and eggs. Wow, I thought, my mom really went all out. I sat down, trying to decide what to eat first, when I glanced at the clock. It said 7:45, which meant I had 15 minutes to get to the car when my dad would drive me to school. School. The word echoed in my head and made my stomach churn. I tried to focus on something else while I ate my breakfast, but everything ended up returning to the topic of school. When I was finally done my bacon and eggs, it was like 7:58. I panicked as I ran to my bedroom, grabbed my backpack that I had packed the night before, and ran out the door where my dad was waiting in the driveway with his SUV. At least Dad has a cool car, I thought. My mom opened the door up and yelled, "Bye dear! Have a nice day! Be good!"

I smiled to myself. Be good? How can I not? I'm the major goodie two shoes in every school I've been to. Another reason why I'm such a loser. Yep, life sucks.

"Happy for your first day of school, kiddo?" My dad asked, seeing me smile.

"Yes," I lied. I really wasn't in the mood for a daddy-daughter talk right now. Actually, I'm never in the mood for those. We pulled into the curb of my new school. All the kids looked so cool, the boys in their low pants and snap backs and the girls in their designer jackets and boots. Thankfully, my car fit right in. I noticed a rather hot boy who looked about my age who was wearing the same sweater as me walk in the door. Wow, I thought, he looks like the kinda person I'd wanna be friends with.

"Ready to go kiddo?" My dad asked.

"Oh, yeah... umm..." I suddenly felt rooted to my seat. How am I supposed to fit in with all these people? They seem so cool and high class, and I'm just, well, me.

"Nervous?" I nodded, "You know, I get nervous all the time, but that doesn't mean I have to be nervous. Do you understand?" I nodded, even though I didn't. "If you believe that you are something, often times it becomes true. Have a great day kiddo."

I got out of the car, pushed my hair back, and straightened my sweater. "Thanks Dad, bye!" I yelled over my shoulder. Yeah, thanks. I could've learnt that from a Disney movie and it would've been a lot more entertaining to watch. As I walked through the door, I just barely stopped myself from gasping. This is the coolest thing ever! I thought. The walls had full sized murals of beautiful artwork, the ceiling was all glass so that you could see the weather outside, and the lockers are all different colours. I walked in awe towards the school office to pick up my schedule.

"Good morning. My name is Ms. Rockwell." said the secretary, with her crisp British accent. "Name?"

"Kristy Parks." I replied.

She typed my name into her computer. When it popped up, she said, "Here you are love." Love? Well then, I thought. "Here's your schedule, and your locker number is 7789." I nodded to show I understood. I left the office and looked at my schedule. First period: Science. Second period: Art. Lunch. Third period: English. Fourth Period: Gym.

Not bad Kristy, I thought, not bad. I went to my locker which was a pretty bright blue. A bunch of girls were gossiping really close to me. Oh great, I'm gonna have to deal with this all year. The hot boy from earlier walked by them and they all turned to stare at him. Stalker much? He ended up going to the locker right next to mine. That meant we were both in grade 9. As he opened his locker and put his stuff away, I couldn't help but check him out. Up close, he had dark red hair, and beautiful seafoam green eyes. He had a curved nose with cute freckles spread across it. He's about ten centimetres taller than me, so my head wlould vo up to his eyebrows. In other words, perfect. He turned and saw me staring at him. I looked away quickly but still watched him through the corner of my eye. He checked me from top to bottom as I stuffed my books in my locker. I couldn't take the awkward anymore, so I turned to face him. Finally, he broke the silence.

"Hey!" he said in a voice that made me want to melt, "we're twins!" Pointing at mine and his sweaters. "I'm James by the way." he said casually.

"Kristy." I said. He gave me this look that made me blush, tilting his head slightly and biting his lip. "So James," I asked him,"What subject do you have first?"

"Hmm, good question..." he said. I smiled, which made him smile, and (did my eyes decive me?) blush. "I'm pretty sure it's Math. You?"

"Science," I replied, disappointed. He looked sad also which got my hopes up.

"Well, I'll see you later Kristy." he said.

"Yea bye." I said as the bell rang for first period class. I was going to be late!

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