the heartbreak (part 1)

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it was a saturday evening and you and the team were on the dream smp, you were all in a discord call. you guys were building a house and nick would not stop putting crafting tables in the floor. 

sapnap! stop putting crafting tables as the floor!
we are trying to make it look nice! 

you know it is funny! 

everyone bursts out laughing and you and clay are trying to mine in a cave for iron because you guys just created the server. (little did you know what would come later haha) clay was streaming and he had about 400k veiwers, you were watching the stream because you always liked watching your character (down below) run around on the screen. you have never shown your face on stream and even though are apart of the dream team, you are a small streamer. sure you have been in many and i mean many of their videos, but you never got as big as clay, george and nick, but you don't mind. 


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clay comes running to you since you guys are in the same cave, he is the only one with a iron pickaxe. 

.....(couple seconds later).....
okay i am here! where are they?

right here, hurry hurry! 
i am hoping it is a vein of eight! 

how did you guess it?
that was amazing! 

oh my god, good job delilah!

i could have done that too!

sapnap, i bet you could (chuckles)

you and clay finish mining in the cave and go to the crafting table house and smelt your items, it is night so you guys all decide to go to sleep. nick calls sleeping next to george and that leaves you and clay. he puts his bed next to yours with a space between georges bed next to nicks, you blush but then quickly stop yourself. you have a boyfriend, he shouldn't make you feel this way! the chat is going crazy and is shipping you guys, this was what you were afraid of, but you did not mind it. you knew it was a harmless ship, people knew you had a boyfriend, it would stop eventually. right on cue as you were thinking about him, zach, your boyfriend texts you. 

zach <3:
hey delilah,
do you want to come over?

of course! see you in 15 minutes :)

you loved spending time with zach, you guys have been together for 2 years. you met in high school, you and zach started dating in your senior year of high school. you guys have said you loved each other but you have never done the deed, you were just not ready yet. zach always said he was fine with it, that is one thing you really liked about him, he would always wait till you were ready. the boys always made fun of you for it, you didn't mind because you would laugh along with them. you say goodbye to the boys and to the stream. before you get changed to head over to zach's house you check twitter. 

there was so much tweets about you and clay, you thought it was harmless! zach would not be happy about this, he hated it when you would stream with them, he really did not like clay, and you never knew why. clay was amazing, you loved him... and the other boys too. tweets were flying around like "drelilah for days!" and "omg drelilah is so cute! i ship!". you thought to yourself, uh oh. 

you got ready to head to zachs and was out the door in 10 minutes, zach did not live super close because you moved when you were 19 to live closer to clay, nick and george. zach also hated that. you showed up to zach's house and let yourself in, you guys ate pizza and watched a movie, it was about 9:00 pm when you got their and it was 12:00 am now, you decided with would be time to go home. you grabbed your things, said goodbye and left. it took you about 25 minutes to drive home and when you pulled into your driveway, you realized your phone was still at zach's house, you left it on his charger. you chose to drive all the way back and when you there you noticed a car that you did not recognize in his driveway. you thought it could be his sister, she just got a new car i think. you walk in and find your phone but no zach. you call out to him and then you hear what you did not want to hear. you walked into zach's room and saw that he was with a girl, and that girl was not you. zach sees you and hops out of bed.

delilah? what are you doing here?
it is not what it looks like!

oh i am sure it is what is looks like! 
i forgot my phone, how long has this been going on? 

this is the first time i promise!
it will never happen again!

random girl:
uh zach, this has been going for like 5 months.
i am sorry, i had no idea he had a girlfriend.
i will leave right now. 

you know, so will i. 
we are over zach, bye. 

you run out of house and start your car and drive to your apartment. you walk into your apartment and text "da boys🔥" group chat. 

hey guys, 
i don't think i will be streaming tomorrow like i said i would. 

what why?!?
it was supposed to be us practicing for mcc!
i NEED the practice!

sappitus nappitus:
what is going on?
are you you don't want to?

green boy:
wait delilah what happened?
are you okay?

yeah i am fine guys! 
i will tell you what happened tomorrow :)

sappitus nappitus:
orrrrrrrr you could tell us tonight?
let us come over!

oh my god, yeah!
i will bring the snacks!

green boy:
well guys wait,
do you want us over there?

actually yeah,
i need you guys over here. 
please hurry.

green boy:
you seem sad, you won't be for much longer.

sappitus nappitus:
clay is driving boys,
be ready gogy! 

you did not really want to spend that much time with people, but you knew that hanging out with them would cure your depression. clay seemed really concerned, wait till he finds out what happened. he never liked zach, it was not a mutual feeling between the boys. 


(1089 words)

the boy named clay || 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐰𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now