uh, this is awkward (part 14)

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author's note: hey my lovely readers! how are you? i am hoping great! :) i want to tell you, thank you for reading my story or stories. it means so much to a small writer like me! i can not thank you enough for 200 reads on both of my stories. i can not really tell anyone because my family would think i am weird and my friends don't even know i play minecraft. so i am telling you guys, thank you! if you could comment and vote on my stories i would appreciate that so much, if not, that is perfectly fine too! thank you again! it means so much. 



i look over at the car that pulled into his driveway. it was clay's mom, michelle. i have known her for a while now and she has always been like a second mom to me. 

hi clay, hi delilah. how are you?

what are you doing here mom? you didn't tell me you were stopping by.

oh, drista said she forgot one of her shirts here so i decided to stop by and come and get it. i brought brownies!

oh my god, yes! your brownies are the BEST!

oh you are too nice, thank you!

i rush over to michelle and grab the tray of brownies from her hands. clay walks over behind me and gives her a hug. once i get inside i realize how awkward that situation just was.

me and clay were slow dancing in the rain and i was about to tell him i love him. his mom pulled up in the pouring rain and just kind of had to intervene. we also didn't have shoes on, and i was in his sweatshirt. if i was her, i would have gotten right back in her car and drove away.

clay and michelle walk in behind me and i go to set down the brownies on the counter. she looks at me and clay weird and that is when i look down and realize that me and clay are soaking wet.

i am going to go upstairs and change, be right back! 

clay's pov

once lilah goes upstairs to change, my mom looks at me with a kind smile on her face.


you guys seemed happy when i pulled up, is there something i should know?

well about that, me and lilah are sort of a thing. 


yeah, for about three weeks.

now i have to give drista ten bucks. 

has everyone bet on me and lilah getting together?! what the hell!

(shrugs shoulders)
it was about time you guys got together. your eyes always light up when you see her. 

was it really that noticeable? 

well yeah clay, it was pretty obvious you liked her. it was also pretty obvious she liked you.

the boy named clay || 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐰𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now