the stream (part 3)

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i was driving nick and george home after we were at delilah's house. i could not get her crying face out of my head, and i am not sure why. i have seen george cry before and it did not stick with me. it is super weird. i was quiet the whole ride home, nick and george tried to ask what was wrong. i just gave them the simple answer... nothing. 

after i dropped them home, i drove back to my house. i was so happy i would be able to talk to delilah again, i missed her already... wait no, no i just want to make sure she is ok. she was so hurt by that dick, i hated him. i never liked zach, i hate even saying his name. she is going to stream today and i really hope it cheers her up. 


it was about 15 minutes before the stream and i was starting up my pc. i was the only one streaming out of the four of us, and i was not going to lie, i was super excited to see clay. he helped me so much yesterday, and the kitchen scene is replaying in my mind over and over again. he walked up to me and it was i just wanted to kiss him, like we had been dating for so long. it felt so different than what me and george or me and nick have. it was so much more. 

i got a text on my phone, so i walked over to my bed where it was charging and picked it up. it was clay. 

green boy:
hey lilah,
you ready for the stream?

you know it!
i am super excited, 
it feels like forever since i have streamed!

green boy:
i can not wait for mcc,
i am happy we are practicing for it!

i am so excited for it, 
can you teach me some parkour?

green boy:
you know i can not say no to you.

hehe, i know ;)
i am going to start my stream right now!

and just like that i was already blushing, clay just had that effect on me. i made sure my face cam was off, i was going to use that one day. me and clay had made a pact where if he showed his face i would show mine. i started my stream with the minecraft menu up, i said hello to everyone and told them what would be happening and that i would be joining the discord call with the boys. i waited for more people to join and i hit 15k, which is the most i usually get. i am thankful for everyone one of my viewers, they make me so happy. i joined the discord call and immediately you could hear clay talking about me. 

i can not wait until delilah joins,
this will be an awesome stream. 

haha hi dream! 
hi boys! are you ready to practice?

my chat instantly goes crazy! they were like, "dream talking about delilah is so cute!" or "are they dating? they have to be dating!" or even "omg i ship them! drelilah forever!" this went on for so long, like a long long time!

bet, lets start practicing.
we will win this mcc!

i click the server that mcc would be on, we all decide to start with parkour first because george said he needed practice. 

you start your timer and begin, neck and neck with clay but you know he has shortcuts. you ask him about them and he describes them to you in a lot of detail. you try to skip the jump but did not make it the first time, you tried again and made it. 

omg i did it!
i am the best parkour-er ever!

woah woah woah,
there is still a lot to do! this is the first obstacle haha.

hey! let me have my glory!
i am not very good at parkour.

ok fine,
lilah you are amazing!
you are better than dreamwastaken in minecraft parkour!

yeah i know hehe

the chat was going crazy like, "he calls her lilah! that is so cute!" and the one that got to me was, "they would be such a cute couple!" would we really? i think we could be really cute. wait no, i just got out of a relationship! stop thinking like this!

me and clay were the only ones that finished the parkour and he was so happy for me, they all were but it sparked up the chat again with me and clay. we all thought it would be a good idea to practice battle box, so we switched over to that game. we were all on a team and we were going against some other people. they let us out of the box and i went left and clay went right, i got the splash potion of harming and splashed it on the opponents and that brought their health down, and then nick and me killed the two them while clay got the other two kills and george filled in the wool. it continued like that for the next couple rounds. we chose that we would do one more round and so it started and you went left but you looked down at the in game chat and george and nick died. you were worried you wouldn't win but then you realized you still had clay, he killed one person but then died. it was 3v1 and you were running away from them. you picked up the splash potion surprisingly no one else picked up and hit all three of them. they were all down half health and they got a couple strikes on you. you ran and looked back and shot two of them, you ran back up to them and killed them with one strike of your sword. it was now just 1v1 and he was already half health so you thought you should combat. you ran up to him jumping around him and hitting him, he died and VICTORY popped up on the screen!

oh my god delilah!
how did you win that?

you did so good! what the heck!

i knew you could do it lilah,
don't listen to them. 

thank you dream,
and i guess sapnap and george.
(giggles cutely)

that was an adorable laugh, lilah.
(nervously laughs)

awww dream,
stop it! you're to cute.

stop simping oh my god!

yeah come on guys,
stop it! 

i can tell they are kidding, but were we really simping for each other? was that flirting? why did i like it? he called my laugh adorable, i always was self conscious about my laugh. 

i figured that since i had been streaming for two hours that i should end it, i was getting tired anyways, even though it was only 5:00 pm. i told the boys that i was going to end stream and log off and they agreed it was probably time. it was fun but i was sad that i wouldn't be able to talk to clay for a while, not until at least tomorrow. maybe i would call him tonight, maybe face time. i logged off and laid on my bed for a while. i went to check on twitter and i was shocked. 

me and clay were trending on twitter. there were so many tweets about us flirting, people had clipped it. #drelilah was number one on trending, and i was ok with it. just then, i heard my doorbell ring. 


(1245 words)

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