the coping (part 2)

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they showed up within 15 minutes, it was super fast since they showed up with ice cream and beers. (yeah you were underage, but you would drink with them occasionally) you let them in and they all group hugged you. 

hey i am fine guys! don't worry!

you don't seem fine!
you have tears in your eyes delilah.

what happened delilah?

you start to cry and you make eye contact with clay, he looks at you and his heart broke. he walks up to you and hugs you, you hug him back and then you pull away. he wipes the tears from your eyes and takes your hand and all four of you head over to the couch. you sit down next to clay and nick on the other side of you. 

what happened delilah?

i went over to zach's house, you guys know.
i had a good time and i left to come home,
but then i and realized that i left my phone there.
so i drove back and i saw a car i did not recognize there 
and i walked in and well uh...

what happened when you walked in?

i walked in and heard some things...
then i walked into his bedroom a-a-and i saw,
(you burst into tears and could not finish)

oh delilah, did he cheat on you?

oh hell no, no way. 
did he cheat on you? 

clay stood up and you could see his hands were in a fist, like he wanted to go and kill zach. it was hot, not going to lie... wait no, stop thinking like that. you grabbed his hand and would not let him leave because you did not want any trouble. 

lilah, where is he?
is he still at home?

okay clay, lets just calm down. 
you do not have to go and beat him up.

lilah, you do not deserve this!
let go of me, he deserves what is coming for him.

clay cmon man,
we will get our revenge sooner or later. 

you stand up and pull clay into a hug because you finally can see how much he actually cares about you. it means a lot. 

the four of you decide to watch a scary movie because those are the best, you and the boys eat all the snacks and you are still sat next to clay. a jump scare happens in the movie and you jumped and hide behind clay's shoulder. he looks at you and puts his arm around you. the two other boys notice and they start to laugh. 

the movie finished and it was getting really late so everyone set up their beds, you were sleeping in your bed, nick, george and clay were sleeping on the floor because they did not want you to sleep alone. you were getting ready for bed in the bathroom and clay walked up to you and was leaning on the door frame. 

you almost done in here?i have to pee. 

yes i am almost done hold on.
let me just... ok.. i am do-

you are interrupted with clay's face super close to yours. you guys stare at each other for what feels like hours, you could get lost in his green eyes. green was your favorite color, and clay rocks it. you lean in and so does he, almost like you guys are GOING TO KISS! omg abort mission get out of bathroom! 

so uhhhhh
haha i will go and see what nick and george are doing.

yeah, that sounds like a good plan.

you walk out of the bathroom and look behind you and smile when your eyes meet clay's. something just happened and you were not sure what it was, but all you know is you liked it. 

you walked back to your bedroom where nick and george were, they asked you what took so long and you said you just had to go to the bathroom. clay came back into the room and looked at you and smiled, you smiled back and looked at george who you think might have just caught on to whatever is happening. you do not even know yourself. you climbed into bed and so did the other boys. you were so tired from crying so it was easy for you to fall asleep, and it wasn't long after until the rest of the boys fell asleep too. 


you woke up in a cold sweat because of a nightmare. you checked your phone and it was 3 am, that is way to early so you try to fall back asleep, but your throat is super dry. you decide to go to the kitchen and get some water, you tip toe out into the hallway and then walk to the kitchen. you have high shelves, well not really you are just 5'4 and that is short and you can't seem to reach the glass you want, but instead of climbing up to get the one you wanted, someone reaches it for you. scared out of your mind you turn around super fast and it is clay. he smiles at you and you smile back. 

thanks clay, i am a little short.

yes, yes you are short.
(he chuckles)

hey! you little shit!
(lightly punches him in shoulder)

be quiet!
you are going to wake them up!

you both go and walk back to the bedroom, you climb into bed and look at the two boys beneath you, sleeping soundly, they are so cute. then you start to think, why did clay wake up?


the next morning you wake up at around 9:00 am and the boys are already awake. you head out to the kitchen where you hear people yelling and laughing. they see you and act professional, you are so confused. 

you walk a little further so you can see over the counter and you see that they made you pancakes! they are so sweet omg!

omg! you guys are so cute!
i can't believe it,
how did you know pancakes were my fav?

clay told us, he was just guessing,
looks like he was right! 

haha, uh it was just a guess.

you blush and look at clay and smile, then he starts blushing. 

ok! who is ready to eat?

everyone says "me!" is unison. everyone dished out their food and ate. you and the boy decided that you would all stream and practice for mcc, why should zach be the reason you can't spend time with friends? 

the boys left and you were sad to see them go but you knew it was time, and that you would be talking to them in about an hour or so when you all log on minecraft.


(1108 words)

the boy named clay || 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐰𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now