Chapter 14.

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"Does my brother know that you're here? " I asked as Eugene entered and closed the door with a soft click.

"He doesn't and I'm here for myself and not for him" he replied with a shrug and turned to face me.

I moved from my place in front of the door and sat on my bed switching my phone on and tapping on it to show how uninterested I was.

"So why are you in my room for yourself?" I questioned again, looking up to him for an answer.

"Look I'm sorry for what happened earlier" he placed his hands in his pocket nervously and my eyes instantly went back to my phone.

"If that's why you are here then you know the exit" I pointed to the door with my right hand without looking up from my phone.

He sighed and sat beside me. He touched my thigh and my stone-cold face with a murderous glare made him remove his hand.

"Hey I know, I'm not in the right place to say this but can you please forgive me?" He said warily scratching his left eyebrow.

I didn't reply and kept on tapping on my phone.

"Please?" He mumbled.

Still no reply or action.

"Please?, really?" he sounded desperate.

I sighed and raised my head to meet his eyes that were filled with some sort of genuine guilt.

"OK, I forgive you. Can you please leave me and my room alone?"

"Come on Joel, I know that wasn't from your heart" he chuckled.

"Fine. Now if it helps then I forgave you all the moment I left the kitchen. I don't have places in my heart to hold grudges against maniacs" I replied.

"Ouch, that hurts" he winked and placed his hand on his chest dramatically.

"You deserve that," I said matter of factly.

"So to make it up to you, can we go grab something to eat tomorrow whenever you're free" he offered.

"No, thanks"

"Oh come on. It's just eating out, just help me" he insisted.


"Please, please, and pretty please" he pleaded and tried making a cute face.

"No, and whatever that you're trying to do isn't working on me"

"Then I guess I'll just say Please and make cute expressions till you give in" he mumbled and started saying please in a stupid voice with stupid facial expressions that were making me go crazy.

"Okay, just this time. It's gonna be the first and the last, got it?"

"Thought you said it wasn't going to work" he raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms.

"Stop being cocky, it didn't work but the stupid voice and face behind it did the trick" I rolled my eyes " Now did you get what I said?"

"Clear as crystal" he nodded.

"Wait... " I recoiled "aren't you going anywhere with your friends tomorrow ?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Nah, they will be going to that place erm...The Dunes, yeah and I told them that I've got some plans" he explained.

"Okay. So tomorrow meet me at the new restaurant uptown, La  MatCreme at noon. Don't be late" I said.

"OK roger that. But why that restaurant?" he asked.

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