Chapter 16.

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"Joel you are just here at the right time," Prem said when he saw me and clasped his fingers.

"Why?" I asked confused and tilted my head a bit.

"The boss is here and he is waiting to be served so gather the rest around and take them to the meeting room. We have an early close. The second shift would take over. I'll join you with the boss and Gideon after he is served" he elaborated and started disappearing out of the kitchen.

"You got it!" I shouted out my reply without hesitation and got about gathering the rest of the workers for the meeting.

Just as we were about ready, my phone buzzed with a call, I fished it out and saw Eugene's name on the screen.

"Hello," I said after picking it up.

"Hey, so I'm at your workplace so can you out now?" He replied.

"Okay, I'll be out in a minute, see you" and I hung up the call.

I told the others that I'm going to tend to a friend and scurried out of the kitchen. I looked around when I got to the eating area and saw Eugene on one table by the window.

"Hey," I said as I plopped on the seat opposite him when I got to his table with a tired sigh.

"Hey" Eugene smiled.

"Want me to get anything for you?" I asked.

"Nah, don't worry I already got something to drink and it's fine" he pointed to a glass of juice on the table and shrugged.

"Sure if you say so"

"So you think I deserve a chance to be friends with you?" He asked nervously after getting silent for a minute.

Well, he was blunt and straightforward.

"Eugene I already told you why we can't be friends, it might sound selfish but you being my bro's friend doesn't sit well with me" I sighed and placed my hands on the table to place more emphasis.

Eugene also sighed but in defeat" what if I say I won't give up till I get a chance"

"Well, suit yourself" I shrugged with a smile.

"Thanks" he smiled back.

Then we got to talking about all kinds of things with some jokes and laughed here and there. Eugene was desperately trying to get me to look at him in a different direction.

I can't deny that it was working but I also can't deny that the fact that he was my brother's friend plagued my mind and made me cringe whenever I thought of giving him a chance. But all in all, it was pretty nice talking with him till my time was up and I had to go and do some checkups before the meeting. We said our goodbyes and I ran into the kitchen to avoid being late and almost tripped in the process.

I tended to whatever mess Prem left behind and after making sure that the kitchen was in a good state, I rounded the kitchen staff and we made our way to the meeting room. We all took our seats in the meeting room to wait for the boss. I fell into a silent mode along with others while some just bickered their heads off.

The door suddenly opened and two men, the size of bouncers entered and a sudden hush fell upon the room. The soft clanking of shoe's heels against the ground signified that the boss was gracing us with his presence but the man stopped when he got to the door probably waiting for someone or something.

I heard Gideon's voice saying something to the boss, then some shuffling of papers and then he entered with Prem behind him. They took their seats, Prem, just beside me. The two bulky guys walked a little further into the room when the boss finally entered the room. I craned my neck to get a view of the boss but those incredibly big guys were blocking my view.

I huffed and slumped back into my chair.

Prem tapped on my shoulder probably to scold me but he gave me an amused look when I looked up, I got the chills and was a little scared from the look in his eyes.

"You're in for a big surprise, young lad" he whispered and winked.

"What do you mean" I frowned a little.

"Patience my boy, patience" he tapped my shoulder and turned as if nothing had happened.

And then he stopped talking and plastered a smile on his face.

Now I felt more weirded out and scared like shit. You can imagine how I felt by those beads of sweat on my forehead.

Just then a familiar voice greeted us, it was an insanely familiar voice.

I closed my eyes and thought back to what Prem said earlier about a surprise. My breath hitched in my throat when the wheels in my brain finally worked

"Please don't be, please don't be"

I chanted continuously in my head as my heart started beating fast and my throat felt so dry.

"And why is one of my staff's eyes closed in a meeting?" the insanely familiar voice spoke.

Crossing my fingers and opening my eyes slowly, I gasped at the sight of me. Our boss was no other person than Felix in all his might and glory, looking too good in his suit.

"Not what you expected?" he raised an eyebrow and chuckled.

I seemed to be lost in words as I stared at him dumbfounded.

How on Earth could my boss be chasing after me?

"Now, I would like you to see me in my office after this meeting" he smirked and assumed a serious professional look.

All through the meeting, I kept zoning out and not registering anything that was going on. My brain couldn't register the fact that I was about a few days away from dating my boss who I kind of like his presence. By the time I realized and came back to my senses, Prem had his arms crossed standing over me and the room was empty.

"The boss said I should make sure your head doesn't explode and I quote 'and bring my boyfriend to me after he calms down', so as you are not clearly exploding let's get on to the boyfriend part" he smirked way too smugly.

And when I had finally registered all the words that Prem said, I paled and my eyes widened.

"Did he just call me his boyfriend in front of you all?" I asked with a heavy tongue.

Prem scoffed "Is that all you got from what I said?"

"Ye-i mean no" I shook my head.

"So can we go now, we've been here for almost fifteen minutes!" Prem said impatiently.

"Okay," I stumbled up and stumbled all the way through some hallway I never knew existed till we got to a brown oak door.

"How do I not know that this place exists in my workplace?" I asked Prem when we were now standing in front of the door of Felix's office and it suddenly seemed bigger.

"Because you're so stuck up in the kitchen and always in your world. Now shut up and go already" he huffed.

I hesitated for a bit and took in a deep calming breath as my heart was threatening to come out of my chest.

Prem muttered good luck to me and sauntered back to the kitchen, leaving me alone. I grabbed the cold metal handle of the door contemplating on whether I should really go in and then on cue,

"Just come in already" Felix's voice came out from the office and startled me.

I rolled my eyes and exhaled, let's go meet the boss.

Sorry for the little rush here, writer's block and all😅😅😅

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