Chapter 18.

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"Would you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?" He asked so tenderly and so emotionally that I almost scoffed in irritation.

Yep, he really did that. Leave it to him to make me feel embarrassed.

Say yes a voice said from behind me.

Yeah just say yes

Hurry before he gets up

Just stop being proud.

And well the homophobic pricks around scoffed and snorted. Some even made annoying scraping noises with their chairs as they pretended to stand up and leave only to linger around the door searching for a speck of imaginary dust on their shoes.

But on the bright side, the supportive voices continued that I grew tired and looked at Felix still kneeling on the ground looking at me with despair.

I wasn't going to reject him, I wasn't that much of an asshole, it's just that I felt so embarrassed and confused and nervous that all that that was threatening to come out of my mouth would have broken his stupid self into two. But looking into his sincere eyes along with the nervous face scrapped all negativity away from my brain.

"Yes" I scoffed and my insides were racing like crazy.

"What?" He feigned confusion.

"I said yes!" I breathed out in annoyance wiping the beads of sweat pooling on my forehead with the back of my hand. What was up with him? Can't he see my nervous self?

"What?" He dragged it out this time and said it very loud.

"Yes!" I exclaimed out, very loud with a smile.

"Now that's it" he smiled back and got up brushing imaginary dust from his knees.

He held my waist and drew me closer to him and we laughed this time with no emotion but love and appreciation. He was so immature but that doesn't matter. Or does it?

Anyways, I don't know if I was capable of love specifically loving a man like Felix. Moreover, I don't know if I really loved him, not that I was going to say that out loud but I was willing to take the path of love just for him. Ever since he whispered those words to me in his treehouse, my feelings had changed a little bit towards him. He made me feel good and accepted and if that wasn't love then I don't know what is.

A wolf whistle from the familiar voice of Prem sounded out followed by cheers and applause from the crowd as our foreheads touched.

"Thank you" Felix whispered.

"You're always welcome" I smiled and exhaled.

"Now let's get out of here" he winked.

I nodded and he removed his hand from my waist separating us. He then took my hand and dragged me again through the extremely cheery crowd to the outside of the restaurant where his car was patiently waiting for us.

He opened the passenger's door and I entered with a thank you and he joined me taking the driver's seat so we could drive to wherever he was taking me.

"So do you love me?" Felix asked when he started the engine.

"What?" I almost choked on nothing.

"I said do you love me?" He asked again.

He had started steering us onto the road and then turned into the road the led to his treehouse.

I was just wondering what I could say to carry out what I meant and at the same time not hurt his feelings. But it was just so hard finding the right words so I just settled for the truth, I released a deep breath and turned to him.

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