Chapter 24.

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"Oh come on, Mom don't be like that" I tried removing the covers but she had a death grip on them perfectly closing her eyes.

"Mom" I tried again but she wouldn't budge "Ok fine, I'm sorry ok, I was being immature"

She finally sighed, glared at me, and sat up again.

"Now go get my hot in-law" she winked.


"Your hot in-law is here!" Felix sang as he entered.

"Now, this is perfect" I mumbled.

"So is it a yes or no?" Felix asked me.

"Do I have a choice?" I shrugged.

"Then I'll take that as a yes. Now if you'll excuse me, this hot boyfriend and in-law have to attend to something urgent" Felix winked with a smile and sauntered out of the room.

"Tell me why I agreed to be his boyfriend?" I muttered into the air.

"Don't get so smug" Mom scoffed, giving me a look.

"Ok, now you're ganging on me with him"

"Can't blame me" she shrugged
"It's a mom with hot in-laws thing and trust me you would never understand" she patted my back with a sad face but when I glared at her she made a smirk.

I shook my head " I can't talk with you right now, I'm gonna go get some air"

With that, I stood up and started going out but not without mom shouting to me "Just say you're trailing your boyfriend" and I could literally hear and smell the tease in her voice.

Without a word, I went out and gradually out of the hospital into the open air. I released a maniacal laugh that earned attention from others with weird looks.

I sure really love my damn mom and that man, who calls himself my boyfriend. They are all I've got.

I saw one of those benches outside hospitals and approached it. I sat on it and scrolled through my phone to get some music for myself. I plugged in the earbuds and looked around checking if I was safe and truly I was, so I closed my eyes and relaxed.

Just as I was well into the music, I felt a heavy presence beside me which spiked my heartbeat. Carefully opening my eyes, I met the usual muscular and gigantic form of Felix sitting beside and well..staring at me.

"Do I have something on my face?" I asked with a coarse and tired voice.

"No, just admiring one of nature's true beauties" he smirked.

"No you're getting cheesy" I smirked back. "Thought you said you had to handle some business"

"Yeah but I'm done so I came back"

I nodded.

"So do you have anything you want to pick up from your house for the moving in?"

I contemplated  a bit and replied "Yeah I have a couple of things I would like to have around"

"Then let's get going"

I nodded.

Felix helped me to my feet and we went to the parking lot to board his car. The ride was silent throughout and it seemed Felix was taking his time to drive. We arrived at my house - well my old house with silence and darkness looming around it. It gave me the chills when I stepped onto the porch. Taking my key from my pocket, I opened the front door and stepped into the living room.

I took a deep breath and looked around. The room was more than a mess. My asshole of a brother turned the house into a nightclub and whoring house, not bothering to clean their mess up, and now the house was more disgusting than a refuse dump. There were at least three used condoms with whatever was inside behind the sofa, and tons of unused ones. Don't get me started on the bottles of alcoholic drinks and the puke and the dirty imprints, I think I'm gonna throw up if I go on.

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