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Caius' POV

My heart hung in my chest. Everything about my bond with Astraea, it shattered my very soul. God, and for what? I did that for what? To be right?

I think I'd rather die than be away from her. From everyone. I hate this. I really fucking hate this.

My promise. I promised her I wouldn't leave. I made that promise when our bond was at its lowest and I just broke it. I broke my promise.

I hate this.

I hate myself.

I hate myself.

I fucking hate myself.

Feet hung over the edge of the balcony, I realize just how fucked I was. Astraea would tell them that I left and then I'm on my own. I would rather die than be without her

All of this. All of this pain, it wasn't just emotional. The bond, that stupid━ No that perfect little thing, was metaphysical, which just meant unseen and untouchable. I had damaged it. I hurt her. I hurt her by leaving. I shouldn't have done it. I'm a fucking horrible person. I'm awful. I'm so fucking evil.

Heart dragging along the abyss, I made my way to the edge of the city with tears in my eyes. I contemplated calling them, telling them I was stupid and that I would never want to leave them, but I knew that it wouldn't make any of this better. Checking my phone, I noticed so many text messages from the guard and various other people.

In hurting my mates, I destroyed myself. The three most beautiful beings in the universe, and I failed them. I failed. I fail everyone.

I hate myself.


Astraea's sadness sunk her heart into the Earth's very core. She had not come out of the bathroom since Caius left, and she would not come out until he came back home. As much as she wanted to think that what happened had not affected her, she would be lying to herself and to the covenmates who knocked at her door.

Not even her twin cousins could persuade her out of the bathroom, and they had threatened to knock down the door. Only stopped by Aro, who was distressed beyond belief and not willing to deal with a broken piece of furniture.

Even through all of this, Astraea could not hate him. She couldn't bring herself to hate what he had done either. Questioning herself at every turn, Astraea waited. She would wait. She promised that she would wait for him.

One broken promise would not dwell on her mind as she took a nap inside of the comfortable bathtub. Oh, but it would dwell on her when she woke up. Her mate was gone and she didn't know if he would return. Would he want her now that she threatened to leave him? She broke her promise.

This was the first time she broke a promise. Usually she was so good about those, only making them when she knew she could follow through. Another thing that pushed her heart down the Earth's centre.

Astraea dwelled on her mate and how much she truly loved him. She reminisced on all of their happiest moments, those sweet kisses, and his steady hold on her breaking heart.

"Il mio amore," Aro crooned sadly at the door. It had not been but three hours, but he was worried dearly about his human mate. While her bond was a humanized one, there was a possibility that she could experience very real physical pain due to this separation. Aro knew that.

Aro had never been left before either. This was all very new to the man, the feelings of complete and utter heartbreak. Marcus was just the same, never being with anyone romantically before his blonde-haired spitfire for a mate. His heart could barely take it, and his depressive nature was starting to show through as he stared at the ceiling.

Pure pain ran down Aro's spine as he felt the bond strain. Marcus hissed, with his straining as well. Physical distance was not good for any bond, and especially not one already under emotional distress and disarray.

Their bonds burned a duller gold during the past two hours. In Marcus' eyes it was not because of rejection but because of guilt. He did not wish to fill his fellow mate's hearts with hope that Caius was guilty and would come back crying, so he kept his mouth shut and his thoughts loud.

Blistering hot, shooting pain struck Aro's head. "Fuck!"

"Aro," Astraea responded back this time. If not for enhanced senses, Aro would not have been able to hear her.

"Amore," hissed out the raven-haired man as his head throbbed with unimaginable pain. Oh, how it was harder to be the dominant mate of a failing bond. "You need to eat━"

"No," his human mate shot down the idea of food faster than he could process with the throbbing of his temples. The blonde girl did not want a meal, she wanted her mate back in her arms, in her life.

"My Astraea, you have to━" Another dagger to the head made him stumble on his words and footing, "have to exit the bathroom."

"No," she whispered this reply, almost too quiet for her mate to hear. Tears formed in her eyes as she remembered the time she spent in the bathtub but days ago. Less complicated times with happy and healthy bonds. "Leave me alone."

"Astraea, I can't leave you alone," Aro tried to reason with her, "I'm your mate━"

"So is he. I just want him back. I want him so bad," she cried out, hot tears falling from her crystal blue eyes, "I miss him already. I miss him so much."

"I do too," Aro had to play this safe. His distressed mate could shut him out of her life. He had seemingly lost one mate already, he could not bear losing her as well. Although arguably he could not bear Caius' loss either, Astraea was another piece of him that meant the world to him. Priceless, a piece of his very soul, worth much more than her weight in gold.

How he loved her with his very being, doing anything that she required and much more. Astraea Angelos left Aro Volturi weak at the knees, the bond making him run in circles like a teenager in love.

Well, at immortally eighteen years old, he was a teenager in love. In love with a very upset Astraea, a traumatized and absent Caius, and a nearly comatose Marcus.

"Please━" Aro tried to plead once more.

"No," was all that Astraea would respond with. At this point, she wanted to be done with her own life. Heartbreak, only known to her before by television romances, now stung with a fury unlike any other. She didn't understand how people moved past this sort of torment, or if anyone could possibly be so in love with someone like she is with her Caius.

He was hers, and now she thought she had lost such a good thing that she had with the vampire king.

Aro was the same, beside himself with grief, but he couldn't show that. Not now, when his mates needed him. He had enough time to be depressed later, he would power through this with false confidence. Faking it until you make it is something Aro Volturi practically invented.

Marcus felt so broken up inside, like a slowly shattering wine glass filled with the essence of his soul. He was there, but one wrong move and he'll fall apart.

They all had their own ways of being broken, each so different, but so perfectly strung together in a game of love and war.


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