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Astraea's POV
Clear tears leaked out of my glassy blue eyes, sobs falling through my lips as I attempted to cover my mouth with a single hand. I bit down on my own tongue to bite back a scream, hating the dull throb that pulsed all throughout my body. They said that being separated would hurt, but I didn't think that they meant physically.
Aro couldn't get me to come out of the bathroom and neither could Marcus, who spent about an hour trying to convince me to let one of them inside to see if I was okay. I'm not okay, and I don't think I could ever be okay without all three of my mates. I had three mates, not two. I couldn't bear this much longer. The pain was overwhelming, insanity provoking.
I felt manic, like I was going insane by the horrendous tug at my heart. Every little sound set me off, making me cry more and more. I was sure that at some point someone would break down the door to make sure that I wasn't actually on the verge of death. God, I wanted it all to stop. The pain, the pure anguish.
A single knock on the door made me scream bloody murder. "Astraea, you have to come outside━"
"No," I said, knowing that nobody could get me out of here, not even Ambrose, "Go away."
"I will use my strength and break down the door right now. This time, I'm serious. You are coming outside or I will pull you out kicking and screaming," I frowned. I heard an annoyed sigh from the other side of the door. "Get out of the way and I'm coming in."
My head against the door, I laughed maniacally. "No, I'm staying next to the door."
"Astraea this isn't healthy." What isn't healthy is me being away from my bratty, idiotic, blonde mate. "We're really worried about you, cousin."
"I need him," I whined, curling up against the door.
"I know, I know, you need your mate." I heard a door click. Ambrose whispered out a, "Fucking ancient idiotic good-for-nothing angry as fuck bastard."
Hissing and knocking on the door ensued. My nose picked up on the scent immediately. Caius, my Caius. I thought I was hallucinating, that this was just a dream. Maybe all of the past three days had been a terrible nightmare. "Baby━" I pounded my fists against the door, wanting this horrific noise to stop. Caius wasn't here. Caius couldn't be here. "Astraea━"
"NO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, sending pain through my vocal cords. My voice was already hoarse from my sobs, so this almost rendered me mute.
"Astraea, open the door please," this fake Caius said, "Astraea open the door. Astraea, can we not fight anymore, please?"
"GO AWAY!" I bawled, lying down on the floor, "You aren't real. You left. Caius is gone."
"Astraea I'm real━"
"No you aren't!"
"Cara mia please! If you open the door, you'll be able to see me. Can you give it a shot?" I whimpered, not finding any words to say back. This illusion was too real for me to bear. I wanted him to shut his stupid mouth. "Astraea, what can I do to prove it to you?"
"What did we do before I went to sleep on Sunday?" It was the day right before Alesia's confession. Caius was the only one in the room at the time.
"You sang to me," he said quickly, "You sang to me. You started to sing you are my sunshine to me and fell asleep halfway through. It was angelic, cara mia. Please, I'm real Astraea, I'm your mate. I love you."
I let out a choked sob, quickly opening up the bathroom door. A few relieved sighs and gasps were heard from outside. I hissed viciously as Caius entered the room, but softened up once he closed the door. Multiple cries of protest could be heard from my room. Caius shushed them, looking at me with care.
The feelings of rejection filled my heart as he touched my arm. More tears flowed as I sobbed on the ground. My mate had left me. I was leaveable. Even if I had threatened to do the same, it hurt being on the receiving end of the leaving. I hate this. I hate this so much. No matter how much I cried, the pain was still there, lingering on.
Heartbreak is the worst thing I've ever felt.
"Cara mia," Caius crooned, his cold hand touching my cheek. I inched away, still hurt. As much as I wanted him to hold me, I was still mourning his loss. Even in coming back to me I mourned. It wasn't like he had died, but a part of myself did. "My perfect mate, I'm so, so sorry. You must hate me, but just know that I love you. I don't want you to hurt yourself like this, my love."
"You left," I mumbled.
"And if I could take everything back, I would. You were right, my darling, about everything," his honey laced voice filled my heart with glee. My heart controlled me, not my mind, not anymore. This bond of ours has become so strong that even him being gone for a few hours, it makes me crazy. "I hurt you, I know that, and I don't expect you to ever forgive me, but I do love you. I never wished to harm you, but I did. That will always be my greatest regret. This day, I never want to repeat it. Darling━"
Breaking free from my sorrows, I wrap my arms around him, holding onto him for dear life.
"━Astraea, cara mia, luce della mia vita, please say something."
"I haven't seen you since Monday━"
"Five hours━" My tears finally stopped and I giggled. "What gives you the impression that I haven't seen you since Monday, la mia stella? I certainly remember seeing you this morning. Was that not when this whole thing went down? Were you blinded?"
"This Caius hasn't seen me since Monday. I don't know why he left. That Caius cried on my lap and told me about his brothers and sisters. That Caius gives me kisses before bed. That Caius shows me so much affection that I can barely get him off of me. That Caius loves his mates so much that he would rather jump into a volcano than leave them. My Caius left and was replaced by a mean, mean man who was impersonating my Caius," By the end I was whispering, barely able to speak. My previous cries had nullified my voice box, making me so, so hoarse.
"I did want to jump into a volcano," he joked.
"Because you're my Caius, not the other one." Caius chuckled, kissing the top of my head. My heart swelled at his attention now, wanting more and more of him. Our bond couldn't be described in words, language couldn't do it justice. "I missed you so much, Caius. What made you come back to me?"
"The second that I left I realized how stupid I was and how denying everything was likely the worst mistake of my life. Remus helped. I'm pretty sure I would have thrown myself into some ancient volcano if he hadn't forced me to come back." I smiled. I was happy that Caius had a friend that could help him through this. "Sitting in the bathroom isn't the best way to do this, darling."
"It was comforting," I mumbled.
"Surely hard marble is not comfortable, sweet Astraea," Caius questioned my reasons for staying inside of the bathroom, "A bed is the perfect place to cry. Astraea in the bathroom."
"I was having a party by myself." my mate frowned before picking me up in his arms. I whined, shoving my arms in Caius' face. "Why are you picking me up? No. No."
"Stop being whiny. I missed cute Astraea. Where did she go?" Caius hissed, opening up the bathroom door.


Mid-April left a nice feeling in my chest. No longer filled with angst and shifting mate bonds. Wanton silence did not find me, and to that I was grateful. It was not in an Angelos' nature to be quiet, or to have that deafening silence ring in their life. We were loud, bodacious people, and that was comforting to all with the same bright blonde hair and crystal blue eyes.

Well into spring, I knew that times of stress would find us soon. With the new information about Caius' family, I wondered when the next emotional breakdown would hit our bond. Caius is a temperamental, problem-avoiding, and sensitive man, and I love him for it, but it did bring a strain to my shortening temper.

Why my temper had shortened so dramatically confused me. I had never been impatient, you couldn't be impatient while living with the twins, but then again I had never had such a stretch to my usual life.

I blamed it on the stress and moved on.

"Aro," I beckoned the mate on my lap, who nuzzled at my hand with glee. He was so cute, always wanting more and more affection. I couldn't help but give it to him. "Aww, what's got you all riled up today? Don't get me wrong, it's adorable, albeit strange."

"The bond makes me clingy," he muttered. Aro placed a gentle kiss to my hand, purring loudly. "And you always manage to put me in a good mood, my sweet mate."

I was glad that Aro was happy around me. For my mates, I would do anything. Making them happy would always remain an ongoing goal of mine.

"I love you, darling," He whispered between kisses to my arm, "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Aro." This set off something in my 'clingy' mate. He brought himself up and pulled me into a passionate kiss. I kissed back, a bit surprised that he had abruptly kissed me.

Left gasping for air when his cold lips left my own warmer ones, Aro smirked at the way he made me blush like a schoolgirl.

"You're an absolute madman, Aro," I deadpanned.

"Shush, I am a tactical genius," my mate insisted, "There is no madness, simply precision. There is an art in ambition and resourcefulness."

"Give me attention?" our mate asked, hope filling his red eyes. "Attention for your mate?"

"He's so goddamn cute," Caius said from the couch.

"Yes, yes, Aro, we will give you lots of attention," I said. My raven-haired mate did that weird giggle of his and I started to giggle along with him. Caius and Marcus both groaned, likely annoyed by our senseless, maniacal giggles.

"They're doing it again, caro," Caius placed a kiss on Marcus' temple.

"While they're off giggling how about you show me that new painting of yours?" Caius perked up, nodding and taking Marcus' hand.

I smiled as the two of them left, hand in hand.

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