Simba's Temper

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It is a nice, beautiful day in the pridelands. Animals big and small grazed in the grass while some others just sat around lazily. In the large rock formation was pride rock, home to many lions and the kings and queens that ruled among there. Outside of the top of the rock formation was Simba. He was looking down below his kingdom as the wind blew into his red mane. Just a year ago, there was a huge war between his pride and Zira's pride. They all were stopped when Kovu and Kiara arrived just In time to prevent any more blood spill. Simba is proud of his daughter for her wisdom and kind words, he has really raised a great lioness and a future queen. He was proud of Kovu for being loyal and respectful towards him. He had ruled beside his mate, Nala for long time and by next month he'll give the throne to Kovu and Kiara since they've did their training right after the outsiders joined the pridelands for many months now. Thoughts clouded his mind about having the former followers of scar being in the pridelands. Some nights he had some nightmares about the outsiders attacking his pride again and Kovu throwing him off of pride rock, making him fall to his death as the same as Mufasa, his father.

'I don't know if I can still trust them after a few months,' he thought as he paced around in circles, 'I mean, what if they all turn evil again and try to kill me and my pride to avenge Zira?' He stopped as he sat down and shook his head, 'No, they wouldn't do that. It's not like they could-'

He stopped in mid-sentence as he sees both Kovu and Kiara, roughhousing with each other. Kiara screamed in delight as Kovu pounced on her and nuzzles her, "No fair, Kovu! You never let me win!" Kiara pouted playfully, swatting Kovu on his left forearm.

Kovu stood proudly over her with a smug grin, "My mother always said: be on your guard." He said, mimicking Zira.

Kiara pushed her mate off of him and gave him and playful glare, "Puh, yeah right." She snickered, getting into a pouncing position and wagging her tail like a dog, "Like if I ever do."

"Wanna try, princess?" He mocked

"Let's do this!" She smirked as Kovu pounced on her, she used the same trick her mother showed her and successfully pinned Kovu down, "Ha ha! Pinned ya!"

Kovu groaned as Kiara got off of him, allowing him to get back on his paws. Simba thought Kovu was fighting Kiara. His fatherly instincts begin kicking in as he raced down to fight Kovu.

Nala and Vitani were just talking to each other nearby, getting to know each other even more.

"Nala," Vitani addressed the older lioness. "I would like to say I'm sorry for attacking you during the battle." She bowed her head in shame. Nala noticed this and she smiled at the younger lioness.

"It's ok, Vitani," Said Nala. "You and the others were manipulated."

"I just can't believe my mother would do such a thing like this!" She growled

"We couldn't get it through her head. She still believes Simba had killed Scar even though it was the hyenas that killed him,"

Vitani's eyes widened in shock, "So you're telling me that Simba didn't kill Scar?" She asked.

Nala nodded, "Yes,"

"Wow, and I've lived under a lie my mother had told to us!" Vitani hissed.

"You all were brainwashed by him and Zira," Nala commented, "I wish we could've kept you and Kovu in pride rock to be raised by another lioness."

"We would've loved to stay here instead of living in that wasteland," Vitani replied

Their ears perked up to a sound of roaring and fighting from below, "What was that?" Asked Vitani

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