021| No greater feeling than the one we share

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Her knuckles met the door and wasted no time in placing a knock as much as she could. She waited in nervousness and anticipation for the person on the other side of the door. Yes, she must be out of her mind, leaving her work the way she did and rushing down here. This wasn't the plan. Her sense of reasoning reminded her, but Genevieve was way too nervous and overwhelmed to pay attention to it.

She heard sounds as the door unlocked. Soon, he pulled it open and once she had a view of him, she slowly drew in a deep breath to keep her composure. He looked terrible. He barely stared at her the way he usually did, bright-eyed, full of life and instead, it would seem he was finding it difficult to keep his eyes open, especially because of the lights. It made her wonder how long he'd been sleeping.

She could also notice the difficulty he had in standing on his own two feet as he leaned a little to the wall. That alone made it obvious that he was weak. Gene lowered her eyes from him. She didn't want to panic, but a part of her was, and she wasn't sure what she could do to help him.

"I didn't keep my words, did I?" He spoke up, his voice sounding not as strong and audible as usual. She lifted her eyes back to him and met a faint smile on his part. She couldn't help but wonder why he was smiling. He has been sick for nearly two days and he hadn't bothered to let her know or to let anyone else in. Gene felt upset.

He leaned away from the wall and weakly made his way back into his apartment. Gene stepped in as well, gently shutting the door behind her as she tried hard to hide how upset she was. She turned to him and met his faint smile once more, which only heightened her anger.

"Have you been to the hospital?" She queried as she walked up to him and watched as he lightly shook his head.

"Well, have you taken any drugs?"

"No." He replied, and she had to take in a deep breath to calm her anger as she looked away from him.

"I'm fine. I just need more rest, that's all." He defended as Gene drifted her eyes back on him. He flashed her another weak smile, and it only infuriated her.

She reached her hand to his forehead to feel his temperature and realised he was burning hot.

"I don't think that's all you need." She added as she withdrew her hand away from him. His response was yet another weak smile and Gene couldn't understand anymore what he was happy about.

"Why do you keep smiling? You're terribly ill and I don't think that's something to be smiling about." Finally, she spoke her mind and watched as his smile broadened just as he took steps closer to her.

Unexpectedly to her, he wrapped his arm around her, bringing her in for a warm hug.

"You're here. That's why I'm smiling." He confessed, barely embracing her closer. Gene fell surprise. She hadn't expected him to hug her and she, most especially, hadn't expected the reply she got.

"I've missed you." He added and though Gene had felt the same way, she wasn't sure about letting him know that. Her hands by her side slightly trembled, itching to hold him as well, but she had her doubts. Somehow, she lifted them and barely let her hands rest on his back, her own way of holding him.

As if someone snapped fingers in front of her to pull her out of her trance, Gene took his hands off her as she stepped back to meet his face.

"You need drugs at least and I'm going to get it." She told him and attempted to turn away, but he was quick to hold on to her hand and she turned back to him.

"Wait, I don't need it... just... stay, please." His eyes pleaded, a part of him worried he might not get to see her again.

"I'll be back... I promise." She assured him and he could see she meant her words. He needed to trust her. He had to believe her, and that was what he did. Gently, he let go of her hand and she was well on her way out of the apartment.

Elliot let out an exhausting sigh before dragging himself back to his room. His head throbbed, and he barely had the strength to stand, but he'd done it for her. Once his head touched the pillow, he shut his eyes and pulled the blanket further over him. He'd never felt this cold since he got back from the States. He knew he wasn't himself and yet he'd wished he was.

The first morning he woke up with a throbbing headache and a fever, Elliot had believed all he needed was a little more rest since he hadn't slept early. His mind occupied with thoughts of the night before, the excitement of the feeling he shared with her. He'd never expected to wake up sick the next morning and he'd been too weak to make it to her. Elliot didn't have her number. He could only wish that she soon shows up at his door.

A faint smile curled up on his face. Finally, she did.

~ ~ ~

Once she was in front of his door, she took in a deep breath to remain calm. She'd gotten the drugs that could help him and everything was going to be alright. Believing that, she pushed the door open and made her way in.

One look around and there was no sight of him, so she made her way to the room. There, she found him asleep on the bed, covered up. Gene made her way to the kitchen, got a glass cup and pulled open the fridge. There was nothing edible enough in it, simply bottles of water, and it made her wonder what he has been feeding on all this time. Takeaways? She sighed before picking a bottle out and pouring some water into the glass cup. She shut the fridge and made her way back to him.

Gene stood still, staring at the state he was in and not sure about what she was going to do. Regardless, she set the cup of water and drugs on the bedside table before gently sitting by his side. Gene felt quite hesitant. Maybe because the voice in her head was telling her she shouldn't be here, doing this; but in the end, she reached out to him.

"Elliot." she called, trying to wake him up as she gently shook him. At first, she simply got movements, but later on, his eyes softly fluttered open and once he recognised her, a brief yet faint smile appeared on his face.

"You're back." He spoke up, and she nodded.

"I need you to take these drugs. One is for the fever and headache, the other is to treat malaria. I think that's what you have so..."

"I don't like drugs." He right out confessed. She stared at him for some time.

"I don't think anyone does, but you still have to take it." She added, and the same smile appeared once more. She ignored it.

"You need to sit up." She suggested, but it would seem he was reluctant or didn't have the strength to do so. Gene was ready to help until a thought crossed her mind.

"Wait, have you eaten?"

He lowered his eyes. "No... I'm not hungry."

"Of course, you aren't. You don't have an appetite." She stated as she stood to her feet.

"I'll be back with something to eat." She declared as she stood to her feet and out of the room faster than he'd expected.

Elliot didn't want her leaving, but he couldn't stop her. It would be a lie if he said he didn't love the attention she was giving him. It simply confirmed what he'd believed all this time. She cares about him just as much as he does for her.

A light sigh left him. If only he weren't sick, he'd wanted to treat her like a queen and not have her run around on his behalf.

He placed a hand on his head. I have to get better.

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