024| The J word looks good on you

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The moment she got into her apartment and shut the door behind her, she leaned her back on it before letting out a loud sigh. She felt exhausted, both physically and mentally. A part of her scolded her for being the root cause of her problem and the other simply asked her to make a choice already. How long was she going to seem like a confused fool?

Genevieve shook her head at herself before she began her stroll towards the couch. She laid down on it and stared at the dark screen of the television. Either reject his feelings or accept it. It had to be one. One final decision for her to stand by, but Gene wasn't sure which would be best and the path her heart yearned scared her. She was in a deep dilemma. She shut her eyes to ward off the thoughts for the meantime.

~ ~ ~

During their ride home, Queen couldn't help but spare her husband a glance. She could see how hard he was trying to seem okay, but she recollected his words and expression at Elliot's place and it only made her worried.

"What was that?" She asked, unable to withhold her curiosity any longer. Victor spared his wife a glance, his brows barely furrowed.

"What was what?" He asked back, confused by her question. She sighed with regard to her belief in his pretence.

"Elliot... why did you behave that way with him?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." He denied, and it only infuriated her further.

"Fine. I'll state it out. You suspect something might grow between Gene and Elliot and you can't seem to stand the thought."

He spared his wife a glare.

"Yes, I suspect it too, but... I think you reacted too far off. Truth, it's not such a bad thing if..."

"No, no." Victor interrupted his wife. "It is and like you said, I reacted too far off because there's nothing there... We suspected wrong."


"Let's not talk about this anymore. Please." He pleaded, subtly, without looking at his wife's side. Queen stared at him for a few seconds and eventually sighed, giving up as she looked away from her husband, shaking her head.

~ ~ ~

Once she finished throwing up, Genevieve tore out a few rolls of tissue and wiped her mouth. As she stood straight, she flushed the toilet before making her way out. She stopped for a second as she sighted Onome in front of the mirror, busy reapplying her lipstick. Gene hadn't expected to see her. She'd quietly hurried in the moment she felt nauseous and the need to throw up. What she hadn't expected was to meet one of the notorious gossip carriers in the office once she finished. Gene prayed that the young lady didn't take notice of her condition.

The young lady spared her a glance in the mirror, but no words exchanged between them and Gene made her way forward. She turned on the running water before sparing her reflection a glance. Tiredness wore on her face and Gene knew she would have to do extra at hiding her symptoms for a little longer, till she was ready to share the news of her pregnancy.

She bent over the sink to rinse her mouth and the minute she lifted her head, she met Onome's eyes staring at her inquisitively through the reflection from the mirror. The moment Gene believed the young lady was going to say something, she simply checked her dressing one last quick second and was on her way out of the restroom.

Gradually, Gene let out a sigh of relief, but nearly right away, worry plagued her mind. What if Onome caught on? Maybe she suspects something. Hopefully, the young lady won't live up to her reputation. She spared her reflection one last stare before making her way out of the restroom.

One of the bank tellers interrupted her way back to her office, asking for her opinion on a certain document, and she spared him the time to reply. Soon, she finished, and he was on his way back to his position and she spared the rest of the bank a glance. The number of customers was down to their average intakes for every day. Old and young. Casual and rich. Gene was about to walk away when she recalled someone she'd seen. Her eyes drifted back.

There he stood, a smile curled upon his face as his eyes met hers, glad that she'd taken notice of him. Gene stared back at Elliot, majorly because of how surprised she was to see him there, but also because he looked better. His face seemed brighter, and she was glad he was himself once again. She watched as he began his walk up to her. A part of her panicked. She wasn't sure talking to him there was the best option. She was wary of the surrounding eyes.

"Hi." He greeted once he was in front of her. Slightly, she opened her mouth to speak up, but the words never came through as she halted on what she was about to say. She was extra cautious about her environment, and Elliot noticed that. It made him sad, but he wasn't about to let her know. He played dumb to that knowledge.

"You seem better." She pointed out, and his smile broadened.

"It's all thanks to you. So, thank you." He commented, his smile never diminishing. She lowered her eyes as she hid a weak smile that was quick to vanish, before lifting her eyes back to him.

"Is that why you're here?" Gene queried. He barely opened his mouth to speak up when suddenly, a young lady glued herself to his side, her arm locking with his and a simple smile playing on her face.

Gene couldn't help looking down at their arms locked together and noticed the way she held onto him like he was hers. Steadily, a light furrow surfaced between her brows and she lifted her eyes to spare him a glance. A smile was on his face and it would seem he wasn't the least bit bothered by their position. Gene found it weird and... upsetting.

"You're her." The young lady started and Gene shifted her eyes back to her.

"Mr Victor's older sister, Miss Genevieve." She continued and Gene simply watched her, without as much as a reaction.

"My name is Funmilayo; I work for your brother." She addressed as she stretched out a hand for a handshake, but Gene was hesitant, mostly because she felt irritated and she wasn't sure why. Eventually, she accepted the handshake.

"Funmi is why I'm here." Elliot pointed out a reply to her earlier question, and Gene tried as much as possible not to raise her brows at him.

Funmi's smile broadened as she spared Elliot a look and Gene could tell the young lady fancied him.

"You're much prettier than in the photos, Aunt Gene... Can I call you Aunt Gene? You're older and I feel disrespectful calling you by your name."

Gene raised a brow at her statement. Aunt? She repeated in her head. That was it. Gene concluded she didn't like her... not one bit.

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