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No, I'm not alone
You'll be blown,
If I start telling you all the small things.
It's just a bundle of feelings.

I'm not even smiling,
All I have with me is crying.
Don't even wanna cry,
Hate it when someone tries to pry.

I'm tired of making everyone laugh,
And now it has started to make me barf.
I don't wanna put a fake smile,
But I'm just so sad most of the while.

I know I have people who care,
But venting? I wouldn't even dare.
Every small things matters to me,
No, I just can't let it be!

I'm angry at everything I do
Wait, Asmi who?
Yes, I've changed but it's too hard
To let down my guard.

I don't even wanna vent,
To mend that hurting dent!
Keeps hurting me again and again,
Why is life so fucking uncertain?

Always feeling like no one understands,
I just want to discover new lands
And live there till I'm fine,
It'll be a place so peaceful and divine.

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