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au where el and mike are best friends and she's doing their eyeliner.
headcanons: mike is enby, they're both fluent in french, el is pansexual and mike is bisexual.

"Mike, stop moving you little worm!" El sighs, trying to keep them still. In return, Mike groans and huffs a bit, crossing their arms and attempting to stay still.

"It's hard when that thing is dragging across my fucking eyelid, El!" They sigh, hearing a giggle from El, "Oh, qu'est-ce qui est si drôle?" Mike drags on the e, their cheeks flushing red.

"Nothing, hearing you swear is so foreign. You never swear." El laughs, staring up at Mike who stared back at her. Her smile dropped, "Maintenant, restez immobile."

"Non!" Mike whined as the liquid dragged on their face again.

"La ferme!" El shouted, making Mike shut up instantly. "Merci, fermez les yeux."

Mike did as told, closing their eyes and letting her do their eye makeup, holding back little laughs as it did tickle a bit. El rested a hand on their face, causing them to flush up a bit from the contact.

"Finished!" El grinned, pulling away and staring into Mike's eyes. She quickly looked away when she felt her cheeks flushing, they looked so pretty.

"I... I look good." Mike mumbled once they'd looked in a mirror. Hearing El giggle a bit, they whipped around and flushed red. "De quoi te moques-toi?"

"Nothing, Mikey. You just look so pretty." El paused for a moment, looking at her closet. "Last I heard, you also wanted to wear a skirt?"

"...Yeah." Mike mumbled, embarrassed. El frowned, "Oh, il n'y a pas de quoi être gêné! Je vais voir ce que j'ai pour toi, d'accord?"

"Oui.. Merci." Mike blushed, sitting down on her bed, patiently waiting. El was that supportive best friend; the person who would stick with you no matter what, and Mike loved that about her. Despite being exes, they remained very good friends and reconnected recently. 

El came back with a black skirt of decent length, white on the sides and some lace as the underskirt, puffing it out a bit. Mike stared at the fabric in awe, wondering if they'd even look good in it.

"Try this on, Mike. I bet you'll look so good." El held out the skirt to them, watching them take it and disappear into the bathroom. Minutes later, they came out, bright red in the face and hands shoved into their pocket.


"Oh, ma chère! Tu es si belle dedans ! Je savais que tu serais superbe." El gushed, standing up and walking over to them. Mike laughed a bit, their heart warming as they looked down. Truth be told, they weren't very confident so to be told all this stuff helped their self-esteem quite a bit.

"Thank you, El." Mike smiled, crossing their arms. El hugged them and whispered, "Je pense que tu devrais montrer Will, tu sais, ton béguin?" 

Mike flushed red. "Non! Non, non, non! Will va me haïr, ou, ou se moquer de moi!"

"Will ne pourrait jamais te haïr, idiot ! Oh, il est si amoureux de toi, comment te détesterait-il? Je pense qu'il adorerait ça." El groaned, slapping Mike lightly. "Va lui montrer, maintenant!" She shoved Mike out of her room, leading them to Will's room and running away, giggling.

When she noticed Mike hadn't come back yet, she ventured off to Will's room and opened the door, finding the two sitting on Will's bed staring at each other with red covering their faces.

Mike seemed relieved when El opened the door, and leaned over to Will to peck him on the lips. Will flushed red and looked away once Mike had pulled back, his lips curving into a small smile. Mike walked off with El and 4 seconds later, he heard El squeal, "Alors tu l'as embrassé ? Oh mon Dieu, tu l'as embrassé ? Combien de fois ?"

Will laughed to himself as he heard Mike try to calm her down, the voices fading as they walked down the hall. He just kissed Michael Wheeler... if that's not something to brag about, what is?

'we're just two boys in love, what's so bad?'

idk how to end these LOL

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