Chapter 9: Finding Treasures Part 2

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It was a flaming huge dragon with dark red eyes and big sharp teeth. We were all afraid because just on touch of him will burn our hands into crisps. This is like the fight before death. But I will do my best so that I can return back to school. Wait.. why the heck do I want to go to school afraid badly? Well I shouldn't be thinking of these things at this moment. The roar of the flaming dragon was very unpleasant to the ears. We tried to get near it but it was too hot. When we putted water on it, only a bit of flame went out. But even so, it worked.

"Alright men! Throw some water to body as many as you can!" Zak said.

We tried our best but it was not good enough.

"Hey Zak!! At this point we'll all die! We'll ran out of lyx and our bodies can't hold on much longer!" I shouted.

All of us were sweating except for the dogasus who was outside.

The dragon made an earthquake and we fell. When I fell, I noticed a golden key with a golden chain located at his neck. Even though the dragon was flaming hot, the necklace doesn't melt. I remembered that the book of Phoenix needed a key so I think that that was the key to the book. I got confused. The sign did say that "the treasures I have buried", but why aren't the treasures buried?

"Hey Zak! Let's dig." I said, with my face full of sweat.

"What the hell kid? Now's not the time for us to be digging!!"

"Trust me you old geezer! Buy me some time!"

"Fine!! .. Men! Protect Zec from the dragon and buy her some time!"

"Yes sir!"

I dug the ground easily because of my earth power. It helps me control the ground but I need plenty of space and lyx. After 3 minutes of digging, I saw the treasures. They were shining gold. I saw a huge golden sword shining glamourously. It was surrounded with clear water. I tried to pull it out but it needed full effort. I used another potion given to me by Geo and I finally got it. I gave it immediately to Zak.

"Hey Geezer!! Remove the necklace with this!!"

He caught the sword perfectly and used his wind power to jump in the air. He sliced the chain and the key fell. The dragon broke into pieces just like the chain did. The gates were opened and we can finally obtain the treasures.

"Good work everyone! Let's dig and collect these treasures." Zak said. "Here you go Zec. Looks like this key is for the book right? I still don't get why this stupid little key is on the flaming dragon's necklace. Well, ya'better read that book already." He continued.

"Thanks Zak."

Returning home will take two days or so because of the long way and we did not know where the journey started. While we were travelling, I suddenly wrote a poem. Actually, I don't understand this.

[Missing you]

"Don't know why I'm writing.

Don't know what I'm saying.

What are my hands doing?

This is not what I'm thinking.

It has only been a few days

Since we parted

Why do I keep thinking of ways

To avoid us being separated?

We're not that close to each other.

Nor do we do stuff that I want to.

We don't usually spend time together.

But you somehow make me look for you.

My heart hurts when not by your side.

This doesn't make sense.

I think this is not right

For I already like someone else.

I keep missing you.

Even though I don't have special affections.

This must not be true.

I guess it's just my imagination."

Well that was fast. I didn't knew that I had it in me. But it was so weird that I can write a poem for that Fliro. Well, 12 more poems and I'll be curse free. I keep my poems in a book that my mother gave me. She loved to travel and when she found a huge vintage notebook, she gave it to me as my birthday present.

It took us 32 hours to get home. When we arrived, I immediately went straight to Geo's dorm.

"Hey brat! Come out!"

"What the heck? It's 2:30 in the morning! Don't bug me. I'm still sleepy." [SLAM!!]

"What the? How dare he slam the door?! After all the effort I have done! *coughs *coughs.. Oh Geoooo! Do you want a dogasus or not?? >:)"

*creaking door* "Where? -__-"

"Tada!! It's a rainbow colored dogasus! Do you want it or not?"

"Arf! Arf!" The rainbow dude barked.

"I do! I do! I do! Ooh boy! I've been spending my whole highschool life just to catch one of these! Give me th-"

"WAIT! You slammed the door."

"I know.... I'm sorry. Now give me th-"

" 'Sorry' doesn't work.."

"Fine! I'll treat you everyday within the next 3 weeks."


"5 weeks?"


"Fine!! I get it!! 4 months! 4 months of ever lasting food and beverages!!"

"Okay! Deal! Here's your puppy."

"I hate you."

"Ain't that a good thing? XD By the way, what will you name him?"

"Oh? I thought when you'll get one you'll already name it already. Well, since it's a boy, and it's a rainbow colored one, like a candy, I'll name it.. uhhmm...."

"... . . . Come on! Think of something already!"

"Wait a second you idiot!"



"Name it already!!"

"I'm thinking! Uhmm....... how about Nijiiro?"


"Well, 'Niji' means rainbow in Japanese. And 'Iro' means color. So, how about Nijiiro?"

"Hmm.. Nijiiro. It does sound kinda cute. Let's name it Nijiiro then!"

"Yeah! ^_^"

We spent the whole day playing with Nijiiro and I've gotta admit, Nijiiro is sooo cute. But Geo's reaction when he saw the dogasus was cuter. Ahahahaha! His face was so cute that I was close to punching it. But anyway, the rainbow dude already has a home. Good for him. And that brat is such a pet lover. Then I went home and slept for a day.

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