Chapter 3: Preparation

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The Sports fest in Zequon is going to be held at July 26. Just one week to go and it's time for battle. The students get excited when the Sports fest is about to come. They use all their might during the battle and I don't know why. Maybe it's because of the games that would be held. The games are Obstacle Relay, Badminton, Basketball, Volleyball, Chess, Darts, Tennis, Table Tennis, Swimming, and Track and Field. Of course, the students can use their different abilities to have a little excitement. The Sports fest will be going on for four days. In the first day, all of the games will be played and each game will have two categories. The winners of that day will now fight to get to the semi-finals at the second day. In the third day, the finals will be held. The winners will fight according to their categories with all their might. At the fourth and last day, the champions, regardless of thier gender, will have to battle against each other according to the game that they played to achieve special awards. They will receive 100,000 rubies and a three day holiday. All year levels will be against each other and all the other sections too. And of course, our section has the most number of athletes. I will be participating in Track and Field, Chess, Tennis, Obstacle Relay, and Volleyball. Each student can participate in the limit of five games. Geo only participates in Chess even though he can do all. Arkuga was forced to play in Darts because none of the other girls want to participate. Fliro wants to participate in Darts, Basketball, Track and Field, and Table tennis. The rest of the games were assigned to the others. At the bench, while playing chess by myself, Geo sat beside me.

"What are you doing?" He said.

"Can't you see I'm practicing? I'm not skilled in playing Chess, but the others don't want to play Chess."

"Hmm.. is that so? Guess I'm going."

"Wait!! Uhmm.. since you're here already, w-well.. can you teach me how to play this thing?" >///<


We practiced for three hours straight. But, I just can't get it. After that we went to the market to buy some food. Caluen high has a market because the students can't go outside the school. The students can go there anytime they want to but if they have classes, they need permission from the teachers or other staff so that they can go there. The students can buy there because they earn Rubies that they can get when they win contests or people that give them. Geo has many rubies because he has so many fans. When they give him rings or other jewelries, he sells them. He is rude. I have many rubies too because of the contests that I have joined. We went to the grocery store and saw Fliro being followed by girls. He also saw us.

"What a coincidence! What are you two doing here? On a date?" Fliro said.

"No." We said.

"We are buying some food and ingredients because Zec (Geo calls me that) likes to cook. Even though she sucks at it." I punched Geo for what he said.

Fliro laughed and said, "You two are really close. It makes me envy you coz I don't have someone with that kind of relationship."

"You can just pick one of those girls following you." I said.

"Nah.. I'm not interested. I mean, they don't know who I am and yet they are already in love with me. What the heck is that?"

Well, he has a point. After that, we went on our separate ways. I made cookies but they cannot be eaten because I putted too much butter. And now, Geo has a stomach ache. I went to his dorm to see if he's doing well. He had a fever and I took care of him for the day.

"Were my cookies really that bad?"

"Not really. They just tasted a bit buttery and I don't want too much of butter."

"You idiot! It's because you ate all of it!"

"I had to."

Those words pierced my heart. The following day, he's fever went down and I practiced Track and field. When I went to the field, I saw Fliro running. He' very fast. He saw me and told me to come down with him.

"Do you run fast?" He said.

"No. Not actually."

"Then why did you joined Track and Field?"

"I want my body to be exhausted."

"So you're a masochist??"

"Hmmm... you can say that I am."

We ran in circles till we were exhausted. Well, it 'is' a part of training.

"How is Nalgeo related to you? I mean, is he your cousin or something?"

"No. He is just a friend... just a friend." I said it with a sigh.

He patted my head with a smile on his face and said, " I understand your feelings."

Maybe he has someone he likes. Maybe he is just treated as a friend by that girl. Well, he said it with a feeling so I guess he has something goin' on. I think he is now experiencing that. And before I realized it, I already wanted to know more about Fliro.

The Sports Fest will start tomorrow but Cathy and I went out to chill.

"Everything could've been fine if we were together in a class." Cathy is from another class that is why she said that.

"Well, at least we can see each other. ^_^"

"Yeah. I guess you're right." She chuckled.

She is great at Chess. She admires Geo more than I do. We spent the entire afternoon together and went home. While I was going to the dorm, I saw Fliro sitting on a bench.

"What are you doing here?" I said.

"Nothing special. Just looking up the sky. The stars look amazing tonight. Come sit by me."

Well, I couldn't reject him. He helps me in math and I have nothing to give him.

"Hey. Why did you transfer here?"

"Well, my parents wanted me here. They said I will have a better future here. You know how this school promotes peace among the people right? That's also one reason- so that we can go to different places without being punished. This is a great school for me so far. Even though there are a lot of hindrances-"

"Hindrances? You mean the fan girls?"

"Yeah. Even though they are here, I can still experience fun because of my friends and because of someone."

"Hmmm... so you already have someone you like? ^_^"

He blushed when I said that. Then he said. "W-well.. there's no point in denying it right?"

"Hahaha! I guess so. Well, it's already this late. I'll be going home now. Good night!"

"W-wait! I'll walk you hom-"

"No need. I'm strong. I don't need help. ;)"

"Oh. Okay. Good night."

Then after a good night sleep, I was already prepared for the battle.

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