Chapter 10: The book

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"President Zecaenn! Where were you these past five days? We did not know how to deal with these mountain of papers! They said that we need to distribute this to the students by tomorrow! But we have no idea how to do these things! And Vice-President Nalgeo had been sleeping." The useless secretary said.

"Can't you see you idiot? These are just posters! And you'll distribute these things to the students who want to participate in the drawing contests!"

"Really? Oh. So that was it."

"You're so stupid. You didn't need to do anything! Just give it to the students!!"

"Ye-yes ma'am!"

"*sighs How stupid are these members?" I mean, literally. Those were posters! And they didn't know what to do with posters? Gaaaaah!!! >:( I saw Geo sleeping at his desk. I stared at his sleeping face and hitted him with a thick book.

"Hey! What was that for??"

"'What was that for'???? It was for not telling the members how to deal with the posters!"

"Oh that!! Hahaha!"

"Don't 'Hahaha!' me! We wasted four days!"

"So what? The secretary's panicked face was hilarious!"

"Tsk. Sadist."

"Like you're the one to talk! You're the queen of the Sadists and Masochists!"

"So? I'm not like you who would harm others!"

"I don't want to hear that from a Masochist who forced a man to be her slave."


"Hah! Speechless. You know, you should free him already. He didn't do anything wrong did he? And besides, he's from another city. If you'll accidentaly mix him up with the things that you do for this city, there's a 98% chance that he will tell their leader. You'd better set him free. Okay?"

"And what about the 2%?"

"Ohhhhh! So you're expecting a chance that he wouldn't tell his leader?! Ha! Not a chance old hag."

"I wasn't! You idiot!!"

"Hmm.. let me guess. . . . . . . . . You like him."

"No! No! No!"

"Haha! *in geo's mind (I knew it) Just fire him as your slave. Got it?"

"Yes sir.."

Well, Geo's right. What if he gets mixed up with what I do. And what if I mix up with them??? Gaaah! I hate the fact that that brat is right. Tsk. I'll set him free later. Right now, I have to go home. I'll check if the key really fits the lock on Phoenix's book.

When I got home, I saw the lock of the book shining brightly. I slowly inserted the key and... . . . . . It was a perfect fit!! When I opened it, the very first page had a message:

[Dear next descendant,

Your powers will be yours until the day you die...]

"What the heck is this??!! A deathnote?!" I was overreacting again. I shouldn't have shouted out loud. Well, I AM in my room. But I was surprised when I saw the word, 'die'."

[... Please use it for good and protect the people from all evil. According to your belief, you think that there are also other people who have the same abilities as yours. But you're wrong...]

"Oh. Okay then. I'm the wrong one now. Well FINE then!"

[... Once the current descendant dies, it will be transferred on to a random person. Only one person can achieve the power. Your golden hair and red eyes proves that you are the chosen one. But many people will see your hair as yellow because our hair has a nullification ability. I'm pretty sure that you have searched somewhere in the library about people with rare abilities right? If you can remember the color of the cover page, it is golden red. And I was the one who wrote that book. Of course no one else can read it. Only you. And you are currently thinking 'Why was there a book like that in the library of a school that I built in the first place?' right?...]

"Even my hair? This is getting creepy."

[... But if you are, you really are the chosen one. ^_^ You see, we, people with this type of ability, are really built by God to save the people from harm. Every generation, titans, demons, and other creatures with huge and different abilities come to invade the world. And of course, up until now, they haven't succeed. I hope that you can continue to live for the people. This is just a message from Phoenix. Please read the other pages for more information. Thank you!]

What the hell was up with that ending. Well, at least I know that I'm in the right path. I'll read it tomorrow. Anyway, I need to prepare for school tomorrow... . . . . . . huh?? Why am I even preparing? It's not like I needed to. . Tsk. I'm getting weirder and weirder.

I was almost late for class. But it was a good thing that I bribed the guard, with enough rubies, yesterday to make the bell a little late. Hahaha!

*whispers* "Hey! I saw you yesterday bribing the guard."

Shit! Geo saw me!..

"Next time, make sure no one around. ;) Okay?"

His wink pisses me off. I went to the garden to water the plants with Dan.

"Hey Dan."

"Oh no! Not again!!"

"Whaaaat?!!! I haven't even said anything!" He looks tired.

"Nothing. What now MASTER???"

"Water these for me."

"Whaaat?! Why?"


"N-no.. no. I said I don't have enough water so I'm gonna get some right now."


When he was fetching water, he was approached by popular girls.

"Hey Dan! Wanna hang out with us? We're gonna eat outside.. ;)"

"Oh. Sorry. I'm watering plants right now. Maybe some other time. Okay?"

"Oh- okay.."

When he left the girls went, "Kyaaa!! He's so charming!! He even waters the plants! He's so kind!!" Blah blah blah. What the f?? He waters the plant because I told him to!

"Hey. I'm done. I'm going."

"Ah- Wait."

"What now?"

Huh? Why am I stopping him? My body moved on its own. I wasn't thinking.

"Ah.. n-no. I was just.. I remebered that I didn't need you later so...uhm.. you can go now."

"Fine then."

What happened? It's not like I wanted to have more time with him right? I-I don't need him. But what if he spends his time with those girls? And he loses time for me? What if he doesn't see me anymore because he's a slave? If he won't be by my side then I'll be lo. .

Wait.... . . . . . what?!

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