The Plan

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Korra POV

It was finally 8th period luckily it was a free period so I went up to see Asami. I walk up to the library and I see the gorgeous Asami Sato.

Korra: Hey Sami so why are we here at the library?

Asami: Well there's someone here that can help us 

We walk into the library and I notice this short little girl but who am I kidding I'm pretty short too. I haven't seen her around she probably a freshie. She got this water tribe hoodie with some nice jeans and convers that has the water tribe symbol on one shoe and fire nation on the other. She has some brown hair like mine but hers is a little bit longer and has it with a side braid and she got some blue glasses.

We walk up to the table and just stand there like some weirdos while she's on computer and making designs on some notebook. It was quite for a bit till the silence broke off.

Sparky: Well howdy miss. Sato 

Asami: well hey sparky I need a favor......

Sparky: mk

Asami: Well you know how me and Mako were dating well um he cheated on me 

Sparky: I told you Asami didn't I..... I've know Mako since he was in 8th grade and I was in 7th...So you going to kick the other girls ass or something

Asami: Actually he cheated on me with Korra 

I then see Sparky's head shoot up in the air and stares at me

Sparky: Korra don't you like girls......

My face starts to heat up but I try not to make it obvious I was abou to speak till Asami cut me off and glad she did.

Asami: Sparky well she did date Mako... but still that not the point why I'm here I-

Sparky: I swear I thought you liked chicks like I've known you since the 8th grade and never have you spoke about guys

Korra: I'm not sparky now can we just talk about why me and Asami are here for.

Sparky: Ok whatever you say

Asami: ok I need to borrow three of your smoke grenades' so I can put them in Mako's locker to blow his school work up A-

Sparky: Wait hold up Sami I got something better for you trust me this is better.....You want to humiliate the guy not ruin his work plus he doesn't even do his homework.

She started to reach into her backpack and then pulls out a pink block that looks like has powder in it and has a label that says "special powder "

Sparky: Okay guys here's the plan so you want to stick this in his locker, you see this string you pull it and give it about idk maybe 3 to 5 seconds and this bad boy blows up. So let me set it up for you. Anyway the powder here is permanent for about two weeks so he's going to be pink for about 2 weeks.

So we just went over the plan and man this kid got brains I love it. So we decided to meet up after school at the front doors and start the plan there to be honest I'm a little nervous but how sparky said it I couldn't wait to see Mako pink for two weeks. 

Asami: Ok Sparky how much are these

Sparky: these are ten dollars each but for you its free miss. Sato

Asami: No c'mon I owe you so take the money

Sparky: Asami I said Its fine 

Asami: Ok fine anyway ill see you later Sparky bye I love you thanks!!

Sparky: Bye Sami love you too 

So let me know what you think do you guys like Sparky's plan?????

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