did you remember the new year's eve you promise to catch a star in the sky and you give me the shiniest pearl in the ocean?how
funny I do agree with all your beautiful ventures, when I know nothing but to love you, as much a you love me.did you ever get tired of me? I don't believe that because you're a risk taker and I'm just a pessimist who ruined you in many years; they said it takes time but time is cruel for both of us, we are trying too hard but still not enough until we get sick with each other.
did we ever love each other? you're the most important to me, I have loved you before and until now, I'm sorry because I left you, but all the 'what if' are useless since we both have settled down but the word us not included in our life path.
Poetrystop saying ~ do it. don't keep it ~ kill it. #Angel #Story #experience #fantasies #dream #reality