That mistake...

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Ok peeps! I have nearly decided that I want to do more than a few chapters. I have nothing to say except...

Kakashi is hot af

We walked for a few hours at a slow but steady pace. I noticed a puddle on the ground, knowing it was a trap, I walked into it. Suddenly, two chakra chains come out and tied me up.
"Hey, demon brothers! Mind untieing me?" I shouted at a tree branch.
"Sorry, Naruto-kun! We will be on our way now!" The two brothers dashed off as quickly as they attacked. I sighed a bored sigh and we continued our walk. "Care to explain Tazuna? If it wasn't for me, the demon brothers would be whooping their little butts." I seethed at him.
"Um, well, as you know, Land of the Waves is extremely poor. I could only afford a C rank mission. You see uh, I am trying to build a bridge to free my people from Gato who is trying to ruin us. So I have to finish the bridge before he can destroy me." He looked sheepish and looked away from the group. We were nearing Tazuna's home when both Kakashi and I noticed a new chakra.
"Genin, protect the builder!" Kakashi shouted. Then a man appeared with a black coat with red and white clouds on them. Yes I added the Akatuski because why the hell not. I recognised this one to be the spy Itachi.
"Hey, what are you doing here stranger?" I asked jokingly. I looked up into a tree and saw the raven hair that I know.
"Came to check in on Sasuke because my missions are now taking longer and more dangerous." He said while jumping down. He looked around and spotted my three genin, one looking at him with wide eyes.
"Itachi, I thought that you hated the clan so why check in on me? You murdered almost all the Uchiha's and yet you are here. Itachi, why?" Sasuke looked as if he was about to cry. Eyes turning pink, brimming with tears, voice cracking.
"Sasuke, they were planning to bring the Hokage down. The Forth sent me to do it because he knows that I have a lot of hate for them. I haven't forgiven myself for taking Mom and Dad yet. They were the only ones I didn't want to kill. It also turns out that I didn't even kill all of them. Obito is still alive. He left and went to the Akastuski." I looked at Kakashi who was shaking in shock. Obito was originally on his team with Dad. He was searching for Obito for most of his life until he gave up and realized he wouldn't see him unless it was on Obito's terms.
"He-he is st-stil al-alive?" Kakashi stuttered. He dropped to his knees and looked at the ground. I walked over to the masked man and wrapped my arms around him. The man started to cry and aloud his tears to fall. He started to hug himself and rock back and forth. With my arms still around him, I began to rub his back and stroke his hair. Everyone know Kakashi as the emotionless man who reads Icha Icha by Pervy Sage. No one expects him to break down. After a few minutes of regaining our stances, we noticed Itachi was gone. 
"Alright, we have to continue this mission. This is what we need to do." I said. Everyone was back on the road to Tazuna's home.

When we arrived we were welcomed by Tazuna's daughter Tsunami and her son, Inari. 
"Grandpa, why are there ninja here? They are just gonna die anyway, Gato killed Dad and all the strongest in our village. Ninja, go home. You don't understand what happens here and you don't understand the pain here."
"Kid, please think before you speak. Sasuke here lost his entire clan, Kakashi here lost his entire team several times and lost his father as well, I lost both my parents, respect from the village, I lost my friends, I lost my teams, I have also been tortured. Here, I will show you what I have been through." I took my shirt off and showed every scar. I had a large scar on my chest and side, lots of smaller ones everywhere, burns everywhere, and more recent scars on my arms, chest, and abs. "This is what I have been through. I never let it get to me because if I did, I would not be able to move. I wouldn't be able to breathe or think." I put my shirt back on and looked at my team, they looked both sad and terrified. I don't wish to scare them, but they need to know what happens when you when you have information that the enemy wants. I looked at Kakashi who was surprised by the scars littered on my body. I don't take my shirt or jacket off every because that would mean that I would be showing these scars. Kakashi also kind of looked terrified because he was never tortured for information in his life. He just had emotional issues. "Inari, please think about others when you speak. Everyone has lost someone or something in their life." I walked to the forest that surrounded the house and dashed into a tree where I could see everything that was happening. I just sat on a high branch, legs hanging, back to the tree, and just watched. I saw Kakashi leave and walk towards me. I didn't bother hiding my chakra or scent because I know Kakashi would find me regardless. He hopped up and sat down in front of me, sitting the same way as me.
"Hey, Naru, are you okay? You seemed kinda hurt talking about it." The silverette asked in a kind, low, voice.
"Kashi, I am tired. I just want to sleep for days but that isn't possible. I have seen so many things that I can't unsee. I have been through enough to make anyone think that maybe death is a better option. I kept going because I know that if I stop, the village would fail or be destroyed. I am also the holder of the 9 tails so I have to. I am not aloud to rest Kakashi. I am not aloud to stop and breathe or something happens. Kakashi, I don't sleep. I haven't slept in days because I have to be on my guard." I let a few tears stream down my cheek and aloud them to fall off my face to the earth bellow. I looked down as more tears came to my eyes, I felt a warmth wrap around me. I wrapped my arms around Kakashi and aloud myself to cry those unwanted tears. We just sat there, hugging, crying, and sniffling. When we finally let go of each other, the genin were coming outside to look for us.
"Alright, my little genin, you are going to be climbing trees. Before you say that you know how to, can you do. it with just your feet?" Kakashi asked. We nodded to each other and started our walk up the tree. Pushing our chakra in to our feet, that is what keeping us on the tree. Neji had his Byakugon active so he was able to walk up with us. 
"Now, pull out a kunai and mark your progress. Put your chakra into your feet. Neji will be going onto the next stage of the training." Sasuke and Sakura pulled out a kunai and ran at the tree. They went up some and marked where they were before they fell back to the forest floor. Neji, Kakashi, and I went to the lake and told Neji how to walk on water. It took Neji a little to get the hang of it. Sakura and Sasuke came to join us when they finished and was able to get up the tree. After the three of them were stumbling and falling into the water. It ended up with them splashing each other instead of doing their training. When night began to fall, we headed back to Tazuna's, ate, then went to bed. Neji and Sasuke shared a room with Inari, Sakura went with Tsunami, and Kakashi and I got a room to share. Not caring if we see each other in our boxers, we put our PJs on, then climbed into bed and slept our worries away.

What, what was that? I was in Kurama's place where he was sealed away. I didn't want to be here.
"Kurama, what am I doing here? I am finally getting sleep." I said with a frown.
"Kit, be careful of Gato, Zabuzza and Haru are going to be there. I am taking you out of here now." Kurama took me out and I woke up back in bed. Kakashi had his arms wrapped around my waist, head buried into my chest. I sat up some and readjusted my positioning. I pulled Kakashi closer to me and fell back asleep.

When I woke up from my heavenly slumber, Kakashi was still in the same position as when I woke up last night. I tried to wiggle out but his death grip kept me stuck right there.
"Kashi, it is time to get up." I said softly. He stirred some but just groaned and fell back asleep. "Kashi, get up or I will burn all your Icha books. I will make sure that you never get a copy again, especially the new book that is coming out that is autographed." Kakashi jolted awake, but still held onto me for dear life. He brought me closer to him, I felt warmth rise to my cheeks. I have never blushed really, so I don't know if this is on point. Kakashi nuzzled his nose into my chest again and pulled me down. His mask was still on, but he started to pull it down slowly. He kissed my chest then, realizing what he is doing, jumped back and got dressed.
"Kashi~" I said drawing the last vowel out. I grabbed his shoulder and pressed my lips to his. He wrapped his arms around my neck, and I wrapped mine around his waist. God, I want to stay like this forever. It was truly heavenly. "Let's get dressed and meet with our genin. We can continue this when we get back home." I whispered in a low, deep, seductive voice. He nodded, unable to say anything, blushed a bright shade of a rose. After we got dressed, we met our genin, ate, then started to head to the bridge with the builder. As soon as we got there a small fat man was standing at the end of the bridge. 
"Hey, Gato, didn't your mom tell you to treat people the way you want to be treated?" I said jokingly. He stared at me and called out his ninja in hiding. "Kashi, I will take care of most of them. Protect the genin and the builder. Trust me here, I came more than prepared." He gave me a slight nod as he started to walk away. I began to count all the ninja quietly to myself. I pulled my beautiful katana out and let it gleam in the sunlight.
"Why is he here demon brothers? He is the strongest in Konoha!" Gato shouted. I had my katana ready with my wind chakra infused and four kunais in the other. I flicked my wrist with the sword and sent half his men flying. I yawned to mock Gato.
"What a drag. Kashi?! Should I show my skill to everyone or no?" I yelled back.
"Go have fun Naruto! Just don't scare Gato too much, I want to take him to TandI." I released all my killer intent and let the ninja choke on it. I slit their necks as they choked, when I got closer to Gato, Haru locked me into a mirror prison. 
"Oh no! What ever am I going to do?" I said sarcastically. I looked around and saw Haru's reflection everywhere. I pulled out Dad's kunai and put it in my mouth. With the sword in my right hand, I went into Sage mode. Chief came out and broke the mirror for me.
"Hey, I figured that you would like to see what is going on every so often. Go and swim or something." I said to him. With a big smile, he leapt into the water and chilled there while I continued the battle with Haru. I put my Kunais away and used my wind chakra to knock him out. "Kashi, grab Haru and put something to his throat. Zabuzza then won't attack." I shouted back. I went back to taking out these weak ninja, they were dropping like flies and I was starting to get both bored and tired. "Zabuzza, I will release Haru if you stay here with Tazuna. I will find out if you break the deal and I will personally make sure that you never see this kid again. I will torture her and break her. So make a choice now." Zabuzza agreed knowing that Naruto would stick to his word.

"That was boring. I was hoping for more. Is everyone ok?" I asked.
"Kakashi-sensei is with Gato right now and Sasuke is with Neji attacking that one dude over there, and I am here obviously Naru~chan~" Sakura said. Ew, I can't with this girl. I am clearly gay. There is a good reason that I am still single and a virgin. That reason is, all the guys that I seem to fall for are straight. Kakashi I think is Bi, but not important right now.
"Look, Sakura, I don't think you noticed but I am gay." I said with hands up showing surrender. She looked extremely grossed out and freaked out.
"I just flirted with a gay guy. I need to fix my priorities." She said shaking her head. Everyone packed that night to return home. Kakashi gathered our littered weapons and started to clean them.
"About this morning Naruto, should we talk about it?" Kakashi looked somewhat sheepish and shy.
"Sure Kashi. Did, I make you uncomfortable? Or overstep a boundary that I missed?" I asked. I was freaking out because I can't read him with his mask on.
"Naruto, I-" His voice trailed off, and I waited for a few seconds.
"Kashi, I am sorry, I will have more control next time. I am sure that you are uncomfortable so I will step out. Goodnight Kakashi." I said smiling. I collected my weapons and clothes and left him there looking at the floor.

Long chapter right???? Well, I will post again soon!

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