Cringe chapter!

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I left Kakashi sitting there looking down. I went outside and let a single tear down my cheek. I am used to being rejected but when you kiss back, people assume that you feel the same. I walked to a tree in the distance and walked up and sat down on the highest branch. On of my legs were stretched out and the other had my knee in my chest. Suddenly I felt all my emotions release at once. The abuse, torture, stress, anxieties, just everything. I cried loud enough that anyone at my apartment would hear. I was yelling and let everything out. I fell asleep just like that. I fell asleep crying, in a tree, sitting up.

I walked into the kitchen and made breakfast for everyone. I didn't eat because I had a food pill not to long ago. I placed eggs, bacon, and toast on the table and let everyone eat. I walked outside and sat down on the grass.
"Hey Kakashi. What is up?" I asked as casually as I could. I hid the fact that I was still in pain.
"Naruto, I heard your cries last night. It was my fault wasn't it?" He asked as he looked forward at the trail.
"No Kakashi. I had a lot of pent up emotion from over the years." I smiled at him to show that I was okay even though I was crying inside.
"Naruto Uzumaki, don't you dare lie to me. I know you better than anyone. I knew you were gay for some time now." I shifted uncomfortably knowing that this may go in a direction that I don't want it to go. "I don't mind it. I am bi myself. I stopped talking last night because it felt like I was going to burst if I said that we may have to move that date ahead to immediately after we report to the Hokage." I looked forward to the trail as well.
"Kakashi, don't lie to me and tell me that you are comfortable around me. I can tell that you would rather be a little further away." I said as I scooted slightly away. Before you could say Konoha, I felt a pair of lips on mine. I cupped his cheeks and licked his lip to ask for entrance. He granted it me as he wrapped his arms around my neck and we just sat there kissing for a few. We caught our breathe, collected our little genin, and left the master builder and his family.

TIME SKIP TO THE DATE! Yes, I am that lazy. Don't judge! TwT

I put on a pair of black jeans, an orange Tee, and a black blazer. I grabbed my wallet and keys and left my apartment. I walked to Kakashi's knowing that he would be looking amazing. I started to get nervous, what if he cancels? I finally got there and saw Kakashi with Asuma on top of him and having a full make-out session.
"Asuma, get off of me. I am meeting up with Naruto. He should be on his way or he is here. Now, go. Shoo!" He shoved Asuma off and looked at the door horrified. "N-Nar-Naruto. I-I can ex-explain!" I walked backwards away from his door with tears at the brink of flowing. I made a mad dash away to my apartment. I ran until I got there. I shut the door and locked it tight. He kissed Asuma, not kissed, made-out. Am I that disposable? 
"Naruto! Please open up! I know you are in here" Kakashi yelled. His voice cracked as he pounded at my door. I slid down my door and just cried there. My heart was shattered. I showed him something that no one else can see. I showed him weakness. If anyone else found I was weak even just for a second, people would jump on that. "Naruto please! Please open the door dammit!" The man cried. I got up and walked to the bathroom. You know those more recent scars on me? That was me. That was my own choice. I pulled out a kunai in one of my seals and put a huge cut on my chest. I pulled out some bandages and cleaned up. I know I am not strong. I know that I am weak. I know I am emotional. I know that I don't belong anywhere I walked back to my door and slid down again. I just sat there with my knees in my eyes and back against the door. Did I really deserve this? I have been beaten, tortured, ridiculed, broken, fixed, ripped to shreds, and then to top it all off, I have to act happy so no one can see what lies underneath my mask.
"Kurama, why is my life like this? What did I do to deserve this treatment? I protect this village. I help it recover from disasters. Why do I have to break and no one else? Why do I have to be alone?"
"I am sorry Kit, you have been strong for too long. Sometimes you have to be weak to be strong."
"Kurama, how do I get the pain to stop? I just want to be happy like how I was that night with Kakashi. How do I get to that point"
"I don't know Kit. You have to find out yourself." I love talking to Kurama. Even though he is the 9 tails, he has been the kindest to me. He has been with me since Dad died. I got up and opened the door to find sleeping Kakashi. Damn, he need to take care of himself. I picked him up bridal style and set him in one of my guest bedrooms. I wrote him a note and left to Hokages office where I have been summoned.
"Kitsune, I need you to take Kakashi and a few other ANBU or jounins of your choice. You are to head to the Akatuski lair and take down as many of their followers as possible. Here is your mask Kitsune." He handed me my livelihood. He gave me my mask back again. The mask that I love so dearly. It has orange and gold details and a solid white as the behind the details.
"Yes Hokage-sama." I bowed and left gathering Kakashi, Guy, and Asuma. No one knows that I am Kitsune so it will be fairly easy to avoid Kakashi. I gathered everyone in front of Lord Third's office. I had my voice changing device on so I wouldn't ruin my vocal cords.
"I have summoned everyone here because Hokage-sama gave me a mission and I chose everyone here to help me. We are to track and attack the Akatuski base, destroy it and their followers. We meet at the gate in exactly two hours." I disappeared and went to my apartment. I refilled all my seals with everything I needed. I arrived an hour early so I took out my copy of Icha Icha. If Kakashi knows that this is me reading this, I will never hear the end of it. I made sure that my chakra was hidden as well as my scent so no one knows who I am. I read for about a half hour when Kakashi arrived reading Icha Icha as well.
"Your early Kitsune. I see you're reading the same thing as me. We all have our guilty pleasures." I could tell that he smiled through his mask.
"It is my job to be early and prepared." I said not putting the book down. "what is bugging you. Your chakra is off." I said. I know that it is about me but I want to know what is happening in his mind. He leaned against the wall and put his book down.
"I did something shitty today. I hurt someone I care deeply about. I went to his place to say goodbye but he wasn't going to open the door. He caught me kissing someone when I kissed him yesterday. I love him, but I am dating Asuma. Asuma doesn't like me hanging out with other people so he does that shit and it pisses me off. I just want my Naruto." He let out a sigh and looked back at his book. I removed my mask slowly showing my whiskers and ocean blue eyes.
"Kashi..." I said slowly, he looked up, somewhat startled and said; "Hey. Where is Kitsune?" Is he really this dense?
"Kakashi, are you really that dense? I am Kitsune. I invited you, Asuma, and Guy to the team." I smacked my forehead and put my mask back on. He looked away with a little blush on his cheeks from embarrassment. "Since you know who I am you have to promise me that you tell no one. Only you and the Hokage knows who I am. I want to keep it that way." I said in an annoyed voice. 
"Yes. You are my superior aren't you?"

What am I even doing? I don't know anymore. \/(TwT)\/

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